
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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No 2 (2020)


5-12 146
The article presents the state of certain problematic aspects concerning the diagnosis and treatment of headaches, as well as possible ways to solve them. Prospects for improving the efficiency of management and treatment of patients with headache using various organizational approaches are considered.New approaches in the treatment of headaches are presented: the use of monoclonal antibodies to the calcitonin gene-related peptide and methods of neurostimulation, the possibility of using non-drug methods in the treatment of patients with headaches - cognitive-behavioral therapy, biofeedback, mindfulness. The necessity of stage-by-stage provision of specialized medical care for headaches is pointed out, including within the framework of headache rooms and the implementation of information and educational programs on headaches.
13-24 120
The authors describe molecular and cellular processes accompanying the effector arm of the immune response in the organ transplantation. Significant pathogenic aspects of cellular and humoral mechanism of a graft damaging, the features of immunologic tolerance forming and possibility to apply the research results in the development of an immunosuppressive therapy approach are considered, taking into consideration different researches.
25-32 82
Overweight is one of the most common risk factors for non-communicable diseases among Belarusians. In most cases, obesity develops as a result of eating disorders. The objective was to study the prevalence of changes in eating behavior among people of working age and its correlation with metabolic disorders.The study has shown that the vast majority of men and women under the age of 50 (over 55%) are overweight, and the metabolic control parameters that are responsible for the risk of developing diabetes and atherosclerosis directly depend on the BMI value. If women in general are characterized by a restrictive type of eating behavior and other types (external and emotiogenic) occur with the same frequency and do not depend on body weight, then dietary restrictions are generally not typical for men with normal body weight, and if there is an excess, a restrictive type of eating behavior is combined with the external. At the same time, about 70% of women and 64% of men with overweight do not limit themselves in nutrition, and the prevalence of all types of eating disorders depends on BMI and the presence of signs of abdominal obesity.


33-39 232
The International Commission on Radiological Protection introduced the concept of a representative person as the average member of the most exposed group: «A representative person is equivalent to and replaces the average member of the critical group». The radiation dose of a representative person is the average dose of the most exposed persons, i.e. critical, group. The Commission recommends determining the internal exposure dose of a representative person based on the consumption levels of radiation-significant food products as a 95% percentile of the consumption levels distribution for each of them. As a result of the study in 60% of settlements, it occurred that the internal dose of a representative person corresponds to a 97% percentile of the dose distribution. The share of the other values of the dose distribution percentiles is significantly low. Obviously, only 3% of the inhabitants of the settlement will be irradiated with a dose higher than that corresponding to the 97% percentile of the internal dose distribution in the settlement.
40-51 90
The article presents the results of assessment of inhalation doses to public and firefighters as a result of forest fires at the territory contaminated with Chernobyl radionuclides. To predict the consequences of fires, a retrospective assessment of fires occurred in the territories contaminated after the accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power and in the Polessky State Radiation and Ecological Reserve (hereinafter - the PSRER). The worst case scenarios for the fires that occurred in 2015 in the exclusion zone of the Republic of Belarus and Ukraine, as well as the fire that occurred in April 2020 in Ukraine, were selected. As a result of the assessment, it was found that inhalation doses to public of the settlements that are closest to PSRER and close to the border with Ukraine are insignificant and about to 0.4 μSv/day, which cannot be said about inhalation doses to firefighters - 15 μSv/day. However, despite that the doses do not exceed the emergency response criteria, the assessment and accounting of doses to public during forest fires should be carried out in order to assess the risk to public health and to inform the public.
52-58 88
The article is devoted to the systematization of risk factors affecting the occurrence of oral cavity cancer. The data are based on an analysis of 79 patients admitted for treatment from 2017 to 2019.When studying the material, there were identified unfavorable, background, organizational risk factors affecting the occurrence of oral cavity cancer. As a result of the analysis, it became possible to systematize the dependence of the occurrence of cancer on the mucous membrane of the tongue and the floor of the mouth on the identified risk factors and distribute them into three groups. Thus, the dominant risk factors for the development of oral cavity cancer are the age of patients over 50 years old and the presence of a combination of risk factors (smoking, alcohol, chronic trauma).
59-64 102
At the present time, there is more and more evidence about the significance of the role of genetic predisposition for the development of lung tumors in response to influence of carcinogens factors. The aim of this research was to study age-related radiation-induced carcinogenesis in lungs of mice. In experiments, the mice were single-time exposed to the doses of 1 Gy and 3 Gy from a 137Cs source. After 6 or 6 moth, we analyzed the frequency of tumor formations in the lungs of mice and studied the level of cell deaths in their peripheral blood lymphocytes. The animals exposed to gamma-radiation manifested a significant growth in the frequency of tumor formations as against the age-control groups. This parameter, however, was comparable with the frequency of tumors in older animals of the same line. The comparative analysis of apoptosis in the peripheral blood lymphocytes of the mice of the control group and the irradiated ones six months after their exposure to a dose of 3 Gy, showed a credible dependence between the level of cell deaths of lymphocytes and lung tumorigenesis. The findings of this research suggest that a single-time exposure of Af mice to the doses of 1 and 3 Gy contributes to the manifestation of genetically-predisposed formation of tumors in the lungs of animals at a younger age.
65-71 137
In the works of domestic and foreign authors the processes of violation of the musculoskeletal relationship (MSR) of the spinal column among children as well as the related disorders in the children's body have been studied quite well. But despite rather deep theoretical elaboration of this problem and considering the significant number of children with MSR disorders of the spinal column, it remains unresolved nowadays.It makes matters worse by the fact that children don`t show the necessary interest in physical activity, don`t want to perform the most basic physical exercises, don`t try to achieve the results necessary for the optimal functioning of all organs and systems of the body, which makes it necessary to improve the process of adaptive physical education (APE).The article presents the results of correction of violations of the MSR of the spinal column among children by means, methods and forms of APE, which has eliminated the imbalance in the joints, muscles and ligaments, and also created the background to the development of strength and endurance of the muscles of the trunk and the creation of the pectoral muscle sling, restoring the correct position of the body.


72-81 252
The development of chronic kidney disease (CKD) is associated with multiple hormonal disorders, which are caused by disorders of their secretion and clearance. The prevalence of hyperprolactinemia was assessed in 67 patients with various stages of CKD. It has been proven that the prevalence of hyperprolactinemia increases with a decrease in the estimated glomerular filtration rate (eGFR) and reaches a specific weight of 64,3% in patients with stage 5 CKD. The cut off value of eGFR MDRD (cut off) was determined less than 27 ml / min, which predicts the development of hyperprolactinemia with a sensitivity of 66,7% and a specificity of 76,1% (AUC = 0,671) (p<0,05). The revealed laboratory-instrumental dependences of hyperprolactinemia are functionally complex and require programmatic analysis. In the clinical picture, galactorrhea was observed only in two patients (one woman from group 1 (4,8%) and group 2 (2,2%) (p = 0,774).
82-88 89
The article provides data from epidemiological studies on the correlation between hypertensive disorders in pregnant women and the risk of cardiovascular diseases in later life, describes possible pathophysiological determinants for the occurrence of arterial hypertension after complicated pregnancy, and the main preventive strategies. We carried out the analysis of the state of left ventricular diastolic function and the thickness of the intima-media complex of the common carotid arteries in pregnant women with abdominal obesity and hypertensive disorders.
89-95 119
We examined 155 patients with atopic dermatitis and divided them into two groups: Group 1 (AD1) - 123 patients with concomitant respiratory allergies (bronchial asthma, allergic rhinitis, pollinosis), group 2 (AD2) - 32 patients without concomitant respiratory allergies. Mutations in the FLG gene were detected in 13 patients with atopic dermatitis (14,61%) and in 3 patients from the comparison group (5,77%) (odds ratio 2,83).In the AD group, a statistically significant decrease in the level of monocytes expressing CD18+ and CD11a+ receptors was revealed. The level of neutrophils expressing the CD11c+ receptor also decreased in the group of patients with atopic dermatitis.In terms of the frequency of respiratory pathology, the groups of patients with and without mutations differed significantly: in the group with the FLG gene mutation, the frequency of respiratory pathology was significantly higher (p = 0,001; Fisher exact, two-tailed). Comparison of groups of patients for the presence of specific IgE to respiratory allergens showed that in the group with the FLG mutation, sensitization to house dust allergens and epidermal allergens of animals was statistically significantly more frequent. According to the frequency of detecting specific IgE to allergens of cereal pollen and wild grass pollen, sensitization was significantly more frequent in the group without the FLG mutation. Thus, when treating patients with atopic dermatitis, it is necessary to take into account the possibility of mutations in the FLG gene and pay close attention to measures aimed at eliminating house dust allergens and especially the epidermal allergen of domestic animals.
96-101 212
Multiple myeloma (MM) is a disease characterized by slow tumor growth of plasma cells in the bone marrow with the production of monoclonal immunoglobulins in serum and / or urine and osteolytic bone lesions, in its development passes the stage of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance with 1% risk of progression per year. Patients with solitary plasmacytoma with minimal plasmacytosis in the bone marrow also have an increased risk of progression to MM.In practice, for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the method of flow cytometry of bone marrow aspirate and immunohistochemical examination of bone marrow are widely used, which can identify unfavorable markers of progression in MGNZ and SP.Expression of markers such as CD95 and CD56, as well as the immunohistochemical marker CD138, may play a prognostic role in the progression of these diseases.In our study, we provided the results of studying the expression of immunophenotypic markers CD95 and CD56, as well as the immunohistochemical marker CD138 on tumor plasma cells, detected during the progression of MGUS and SP.
102-109 110
As a result of the study, the differences between patients with arterial hypertension, atherosclerotic and postinfarction cardiosclerosis were determined in terms of the levels of biomarkers of myocardial fibrosis and inflammation, blood lipid spectrum, aldosterone and renin. The indices of ultrasound examination of the heart, carried out both according to the standard method and using tissue myocardial Doppler sonography and 2D Speckle Tracking technology, have been analyzed. The results of the performed correlation analysis demonstrated the relationship of a number of certain biomarkers with the structural and functional indicators of left ventricular myocardial remodeling.
110-115 88
Comparative analysis of the effectiveness of various methods of treating patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma with plateau iris.The study included 66 eyes of patients with primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) with plateau iris. All patients were divided into two groups: in the main (36 eyes) method of treatment was chosen cataract phacoemulsification with an intraocular lens (IOL) implantation and endoscopic laser cycloplasty (ECPL), in the control (30 eyes) - only phacoemulsification with IOL implantation. The follow-up period was 18 months. When comparing postoperative indicators in both groups, a statistically significant difference (p<0,001) was found in the width of the anterior angle chamber according to optical coherence tomography data of the anterior segment, as well as in terms of the distance «trabecula-iris 250», distance «trabecula-iris 500» and «trabecula-ciliary processes 500», which were larger in patients of the main group. In addition, patients in the control group more often required prescription of additional hypotensive therapy to compensate for intraocular pressure in the postoperative period. This suggests that combined intervention (phacoemulsification with ECPL) is more justified than phacoemulsification alone in cases of treatment with PACG with plateau iris.
116-124 92
The effect of the biofilm matrix of gram-positive (G+) and gram-negative (G-) bacteria on the state of fibroblast culture of healthy skin during co-cultivation in vitro was analyzed. Comparative analysis showed that the proliferative activity of fibroblasts was inhibited to the greatest extent by the matrix of the biofilm of G bacteria, mainly P. aeruginosa. The components of the P. aeruginosa matrix had the most pronounced effect on cell adhesion, their ability to spread and form a monolayer, and were also characterized by the highest cytotoxicity according to the results of the LDH test. The indicators of the proliferative activity of fibroblasts obtained by cultivation with the matrix of K. pneumoniae and S. aureus were almost identical, for E. faecalis the least influence on proliferative activity was revealed. Exposure to biofilm components G+ and G- led to a decrease in the expression of immunophenotypic markers of fibroblasts - CD10, CD 44, CD73, CD90, the degree of their loss was different depending on the type of bacteria. Biofilm of G- bacteria, to a greater extent than G+ bacteria, contributed to the development of apoptosis (according to CD95) and death (according to 7-AAD) of fibroblasts.


125-130 84
In the internal and external emergency plans of the Belarusian NPP Center of radiation medicine and human ecology specified as specialized treatment agency. In order to ensure emergency response readiness, the center has created a Radiation damage department with 60 beds. Victims are sent to Gomel for specialized treatment based on the results of a preliminary assessment of external and internal radiation doses. In the RSPC of radiation medicine and human ecology, doses should be specified in order to select the necessary means and methods of treatment. However, the Republic of Belarus does not have approved methods for assessing emergency radiation doses (exceeding 0,1 Sv). It is necessary to develop and conduct an expert examination of the methods for evaluating (reconstructing) the doses received when located in the zone of impact of an emergency object, as well as those expected as a result of inhalation and oral intake, sorption of radionuclides through the skin and wounds in emergency conditions.

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ISSN 2074-2088 (Print)