In the scientific literature, there are no complete scientifically substantiated conclusion about the functional state of the antioxidant status of the skin, its scars and the possibilities of their local correction as part of complex therapy. We have analyzed the literature data reflecting the issues of complex therapy of cicatricial changes in the skin in order to determine the feasibility for the effective use of antioxidants in the local correction of oxidative stress disorders. The pathophysiological aspects of free radical mechanisms of skin scar formation have been studied. The cell pool that forms the skin, as a result of tissue respiration, continuously produces free radicals. Both external and internal environmental factors can lead to disruption of the dynamic balance in the body's natural antioxidant defense system, reducing the potential of its biological capacity. The phospholipid layer of the cell membrane, nuclear and mitochondrial DNA can be exposed to aggressive action of free radicals, thereby causing or aggravating the existing pathology of the skin. Reduced biological activity of enzymatic and non-enzymatic components of the body's antioxidant defense system does not properly lead to the deactivation of free radicals, which requires other approaches to local therapy.
Target effects (direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation). When exposed to ionizing radiation, it damages vital intracellular biomolecules which leads to multiple damage to cells and tissues as well as pathophysiological diseases such as inflammation, immunosuppression, etc. Such damage can be caused by direct ionization of biomolecules, but in almost 70% of cases due to indirect radiolysis of intracellular water with the formation of reactive oxygen species and free radicals, which ultimately causes oxidative stress.
Non-target effects (abscopal effect, adaptive response, bystander effect, genomic instability). Over the past 25 years, many studies have explored the molecular mechanisms underlying in nontargeted effects (also known as effects not aimed at DNA). It is shown that these effects are the result of a huge dynamic and complex process induced in irradiated cells, transmitted to neighboring cells and, to some extent, to the whole body through activation of the immune system.
The irradiation effect on protein. Under the direct action of ionizing radiation on a protein, an electron is knocked out of it, resulting in a defective site devoid of an electron, which migrates along the polypeptide chain due to the transfer of electrons until it reaches a site with increased electron-donor properties. At this point, free radicals arise in the side chains of amino acids. Under the indirect effect of ionizing radiation, the formation of free radicals occurs when protein molecules interact with the products of water radiolysis.
The article presents a study of the elemental composition of tissues in normal and obese Wistar rats under the influence of premixes from algae Spirulina plat. and Chlorella. Analysis of the mineral composition of the tissues of animals that consumed algae premix with feed did not reveal significant changes in the content of trace elements, with the exception of a signifcant increase in Fe and Cr in the liver (p=0,03). A similar trend of changes in the concentrations of trace elements was observed in animals with modeling obesity by consuming HFD: Cr in the liver, p=0,03.
The content of ions in them was distributed according to the degree of decrease: K>Na>Mg> Ca>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>Cr. An analysis of the concentration of the element, in comparison with all the studied organs, confirmed this distribution and probably reflects the pool (reserve) of minerals in the body. However, the range of change in the content of each element in tissues is not the same. Thus, the highest content of Fe, Mn and Zn was found in the liver, Na in the kidney, Ca in the pancreas, while Ca and Na were accumulated least of all in the liver, Mn and Mg in the kidneys, and K in the pancreas. Changes and imbalances in the state of the identified bioelements may be a sign of obesity.
Methods for express assessment of the radiation situation in situ with the use of a mobile laboratory have been developed. During making decisions on protective measures application in the acute period of a radiological accident, the proposed methods make it possible to promptly assess the values of the volumetric activity of air in the breathing zone (Bq·m-3) and the contamination density of the territory with gamma-emitting radionuclides (Bq·m-2). These methods also allow to determine the activity (Bq) of the detected local radiation source. The scope of application has been expanded and the uncertainty of the previously developed method used for radiological survey of agricultural lands contaminated with cesium-137 without sampling has been reduced. It has been established that in the presence of not only caesium-137, but also caesium-134, cobalt-60, and iodine-131 on the radioactive trace, the proposed methodological approach makes it possible to quickly select the appropriate spectral regions for each pollutant and calibrate the detection units for the current radionuclide composition.
The dependences of the parameters of the kinetic curve of chemiluminescence of the ABAP+luminol system in the presence of blood plasma after irradiation of whole blood of Wistar rats (10 and 16 months) and mice (4 months) of the BALB/c line with in vitro X-ray radiation at a dose of 0,5-200 Gy were analyzed. The differences in the nature of the dependences of the studied parameters associated with the redox properties of blood plasma on the type of organism and its age are established. The results of the analysis of the data obtained indicate a higher radiosensitivity of mouse blood compared to rat blood, which can serve as confirmation of the radiosensitivity of the BALB/c mouse line.
The article provides data from epidemiological studies on the correlation between hypertensive disorders in pregnant women and the risk of cardiovascular diseases in later life, describes possible pathophysiological determinants for the occurrence of arterial hypertension after complicated pregnancy. The most informative predictors of the development of arterial hypertension in women with abdominal obesity are described, which were indicators of waist circumference, uterine artery resistance index, N-terminal fragment of the brain natriuretic peptide and highly sensitive C-reactive protein; a mathematical model was calculated to predict the probability of developing arterial hypertension in women with abdominal obesity and hypertensive disorders of pregnancy one year after delivery.
Multiple myeloma (MM) is the second most common malignant neoplasm of the hematopoietic system. Survival rate has improved significantly in patients over the past decade with the use of new therapeutic strategies. The absence of adverse factors at the time of diagnosis does not always determine a positive course of the disease. Therefore, the search for prognostic factors is relevant. The article presents data based on the epidemiological characteristics and clinical factors of MM that affected the progression-free survival. We have shown that a significant excess of the levels of IL2, IL6, TNF, the level of clonal CD138+ >20% at the time of diagnosis is associated with an increase in the frequency of disease progression.
A decrease in progression-free survival was detected at kidney damage, anemic syndrome, infectious complications, multiple skeletal bone lesions, genetic changes at the time of diagnosis and did not depend on the type of immunoglobulin secretion.
As a result of a two-year prospective study, the differences between intraventricular and interventricular dyssynchrony in patients with arterial hypertension, atherosclerotic and postinfarction cardiosclerosis were determined according to the data of echocardiography in the standard mode and in the mode of tissue myocardial dopplerography.
According to published data, there are differences in the registered incidence of chronic Ph-negative myeloproliferative neoplasms (MPN) in some regions of the world. In this study, for the first time, we compare the Ph- MPN incidence in the regions of Belarus in order to determine the regional features.
It was shown that for the period 2014-2018 the highest rates of standardized incidence of polycythemia vera were noted in the Brest region – 1,17 and Minsk – 1,11, the lowest incidence rate was determined in the Vitebsk region – 0,68 per 100,000 population per year, p<0,05. The maximum incidence rates of essential thrombocythemia were recorded in Minsk city – 1,04 and Gomel region – 0,86, which is significantly higher than in Minsk region – 0,27, Vitebsk region – 0,35 and Grodno region – 0,44 per 100 000 population per year. The highest incidence rates of primary myelofibrosis were noted in Gomel – 0,63 and Vitebsk regions – 0,53, they were significantly higher than in Grodno – 0,14 and Minsk regions – 0,24 per 100 000 population per year.
Differences in the incidence of Ph-MPN between the regions of Belarus were revealed, while the overall incidence rates in Minsk city, Gomel, Brest and Mogilev regions exceeded those in Vitebsk, Grodno and Minsk regions. In addition, variation in incidence rates for individual nosologies was noted. The information obtained can be used to make management decisions when organizing medical observation and treatment of patients with Ph- MPN in Belarus.
The COVID-19 infection pandemic is characterized by high morbidity, unclear prognosis of complications and a decrease in the quality of life of patients. The article presents the results of a prospective single-center cohort study of the quality of life of 134 patients who suffered from COVID-19 infection in mild and moderate forms. 99 patients reported the presence of any disorders at the time of the survey, 35 patients reported the absence of problems. 53,7% of respondents were concerned about moderate pain and/or discomfort, 41,8% of patients experienced a feeling of anxiety and/or depression and moderate mobility disorders. The median for EQ-VAS in patients with no symptoms was significantly higher compared to the median for EQ-VAS in patients with any problems (80 points versus 65 points, respectively). After a COVID-19 infection, mild to moderate forms of pain and/or discomfort, anxiety and/or depression, impaired mobility are present in half of the subjects, which leads to a decrease in the quality of life of patients.
The article highlights modern approaches to the surgical treatment of uterine fibroids in patients of reproductive age, depending on the size and type of localization of the node in the uterus in accordance with the FIGO classification. It has been established that submucosal uterine fibroids of types 0, 1, 2 are subject to hysteroscopic removal, since their effect on the onset, prolongation of pregnancy and reproductive outcomes has been proven. Intramural uterine leiomyomas are subject to removal if the node size is more than 5 cm or other unidentified causes of infertility in patients with reproductive plans. Subserous uterine leiomyomas do not affect fertility and do not require removal.
The results of immunophenotyping of peripheral blood leukocytes were analyzed in 105 patients with chronic wounds (the main group, wound duration more than 3 weeks) at various stages of the infectious process: colonization (n=39), critical colonization (n=37) and infection (n=29). The comparison group consisted of 22 patients with acute wounds (wound duration up to 4 days), in which microorganisms were not detected in the wounds. In the main group, changes in immunological reactivity were revealed in the form of an increase in the relative content of T-lymphocytes and a decrease in NK cells, lower indicators of early activation markers on T-helpers and T-cytotoxic lymphocytes (CD4+/CD38+/CD3+, CD8+/CD38+/CD3+, CD3+/ CD71+) and HLADR on B-lymphocytes, a high level of expression of late markers of T-cell activation (CD3+HLADR+). In the comparison group, the levels of expression of integrins (CD11a, CD11b, CD11c) on neutrophils and lymphocytes, as well as the transferrin receptor (CD71) on neutrophils, monocytes and lymphocytes were higher than in the main group. An increase in the activity of neutrophils in the form of expression of CD11a molecules was revealed with the progression of the infectious process in a chronic wound, which may be an additional diagnostic sign of the transition from the stage of colonization to the stage of critical colonization and infection. The highest values of CD11a and CD11c on neutrophils were recorded in the presence of S. aureus monocultures in chronic wounds, the lowest values were recorded when P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii monocultures were isolated from wounds.
Ectopic adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH-ectopic syndrome) secretion is a rare variant of endogenous hypercortisolism. Development of severe complications in various organs, systems and complex differential diagnoses characterizes the complexity of disease. Also, surgical intervention requires rapid, confirmed diagnosis and localisations of tumours. The presented clinical case is a case with multiple comorbidities presented with hypercortisolism complicating the diagnostic process and demonstrates the difficulties in managing patients with this nosology.
The article is devoted to the analysis of the results of a sociological survey among adolescents living in the observation zone of the Belarusian NPP, which was conducted in NovemberDecember 2022. The total number of purely surveyed adolescents is 155 people, of which 72 are boys and 83 are girls. To achieve the goals of the study, a questionnaire was developed consisting of 17 questions, which included the following blocks of questions: the level of radiation and hygiene knowledge, the activities of the Belarusian NPP and attitude towards it, preferences in the form of providing information of interest.
The analysis of the data obtained can be used to optimize the means and methods for improving the knowledge of the population living in the area of observation of a nuclear power plant on radiation safety issues. The most popular sources of information about the radiation situation are television, the Internet, and lectures by specialists.
Syncope is the most important, frequently occurring, and difficult to diagnose problem in modern clinical medicine. Often, syncope in the elderly is the first and only symptom of life-threatening arrhythmias and, if not diagnosed in time, increases the risk of sudden cardiac death. The presence of concomitant pathology, primarily cardiological and neurological, makes it difficult to differentiate syncope in elderly and old patients. The combination of the patient’s complaints about transient short-term loss of consciousness and electrocardiographic signs of bifascicular heart block makes the cardiac – arrhythmic cause of syncope to be more probable. The article is devoted to the possibility of diagnosing arrhythmic causes of syncope in elderly and old patients with polymorbid pathology.
The article presents a review of the literature data on the etiology, pathogenesis, clinical manifestations, as well as the diagnosis and treatment of Rasmussen's encephalitis. We report a clinical case of Rasmussen's encephalitis in a child.