
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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No 2 (2021)


6-12 117
Currently, morphological diagnosis of diseases of the parathyroid glands is a complex and laborious process. This is primarily due to the peculiarities of the interpretation of the biopsy material, the lack of precise histological criteria for determining the adenoma and hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands. This article reviews the literature data on the morphological features of the differential diagnosis of adenoma and hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands. It has been shown that until now there are no unambiguous morphological criteria for determining the differences between adenoma of the parathyroid glands and hyperplasia of the parathyroid glands, thus it is necessary to assess the entire set of clinical and morphological signs.
13-21 104
The article presents an analytical review of literature on the use of silver for medical purposes for the prevention of surgical site infection. The urgency of the issue of prevention of infectious complications in the area of surgical intervention is highlighted. We have studied the methods of using medicine based on silver including for the treatment of patients with purulent surgical pathology. It has been shown that nanoscale silver has a pronounced antibacterial activity. The concept of «nanotechnology» is highlighted, which made it possible to look at the problem in a different way and reveal new properties of many substances and processes occurring at the atomic and molecular level. Therefore, the use of nanotechnology has raised some issues regarding the possibility of obtaining and using surgical suture material with an antibacterial effect due to silver nanoparticles, in particular, for the treatment and prevention of infectious complications in the area of surgical intervention.
22-27 92
The purpose of this review is to determine the long-term effects that occur after the previous infection with COVID-19, as well as the possibilities for rehabilitation of such patients. The diversity of terminology («long-term COVID», «post-COVID syndrome», «post-acute sequelae of SARS-CoV-2 infection» and others) reflects the lack of a unified approach to diagnosing these disorders. Post-covid syndrome can occur regardless of the severity of acute coronavirus infection, and the frequency of persistent symptoms after infection is quite high (70-80% and more). Basically, they include general symptoms, psychoemotional problems, disorders of the respiratory, cardiovascular, nervous and immune systems. In many patients, some symptoms persist for up to 3-6 months and possibly longer. A particular patient will require an individual approach to rehabilitation, depending on the spectrum and severity of the existing disorders. The participation of a team of different specialists, and a comprehensive rehabilitation program should be aimed at eliminating not only somatic, but also psychological disorders.
28-37 129
Diabetes mellitus and glaucoma, being one of the leading causes of blindness and low vision in the world, have many features in common: steady progressive course, disappointing prognosis, similar vascular and metabolic disorders, some risk factors for the development of these diseases. The article provides review of the literature on clinical and experimental data on pathogenetic causal relationships between these diseases. It is necessary to be more careful in relation to patients with diabetes in order to earlier diagnose glaucoma in them.


38-43 94
Positron emission tomography (PET) provides the best opportunities for differential diagnosis of malignant and benign neoplasms, determining the spread of the tumor process, early detection of relapses and evaluating of the effectiveness of treatment. For the diagnosis of neoplasms by PET we can use tumorotropic radiopharmaceuticals to visualization of malignant tumors as foci of metabolic disorders. The article presents data about the experimental study of PET imaging of malignant and benign processes using fluorinated thymidine. It was shown that, in contrast to foci of malignant growth, the capture of fluorinated thymidine practically does not occur in foci of aseptic inflammation.
44-52 104
Based on bioinformatics and statistical analysis of GEO-projects to determine the genome-wide profile of human DNA methylation, a list of CpG dinucleotides with high predictive potential was formed to create models for predicting human age from buccal epithelium samples. The methylation level was determined for 466 samples of individuals from the Republic of Belarus. The correlation coefficients R were calculated, and mathematical models for determining the age of individual were constructed. The average value of the accuracy of age prediction from buccal epithelium samples using 6 CpG-dinucleotides was 4,6 years. The results obtained will be used as a basis for the development of calculators for predicting the age of an individual based on traces of biological character for forensic experts.
53-62 75
To develop mathematical model of change of a state of health of the population and demography in uniform territorial and time space.As material characteristics of individual and public indicators and the joint their changes in system of delivery of health care on maintenance of the state of health of particular persons reflecting it fluctuations served. Irregularity is presented in the form of the piecewise and continuous periods that provides a possibility of planning of the potential public actions connected with the volume of population shift and other studied changes of a state of health.The model of representation of epidemiology as one of forms of manifestation of demographic process and option of mathematical check of a possibility of modeling of the described process with the transition to linear system concerning the gaps occurring at the considered spasmodic changes corresponding in observed processes is the basis for a technique.The new mathematical model reflecting development of change of a state of health of the population is offered it is similar to manifestation of demographic and migratory processes. A control inspection of calculations on a concrete example of the area situated near Moscow with the population of 60 thousand people is carried out. She confirmed a possibility of receiving results with the expected accuracy and stability for justification of planned organizational and administrative decisions on creation of steady process of life support in the considered territory.The mathematical model uniting individual and public changes of a state of health of the population with reflection of conditions of environment of the place of stay and accommodation of the population, feature of the work performed by them, influences of environment (large-scale accidents, infections, pandemics, professional harm) and other indicators for life support and activity of this population is developed.
63-69 77
The article describes the results obtained in the study of the expression of survivin (BIRC5), epidermal growth factor (ErbB-2/HER2-Neu), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and TP53 anti-oncogene in toxoplasmosis during the development of experimental glioma.The studies were carried out on female Wistar rats. The first series was «control with tumor» taking biopsies of the tumor and liver on the 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th, 42nd and 49th days of tumor development.The second series was aimed at elucidating the question of the effect of T. gondii on changes in the expression level of protooncogenes survivin (BIRC5), epidermal growth factor (ErbB-2/HER2-Neu), vascular endothelial growth factor (VEGF) and TP53 anti-oncogene in comparison with genes referenced β-actin (ACTB) and GAPDH during the reproduction of an experimental carcinogenic process depending on the period of development of Toxoplasma. Rats were infected orally at a dose of 50 tachyzoites per 1 g of animal body weight (10,000 tachyzoites per female) on the 7th day after in situ injection of C6 glioma tumor cells. The animals were removed from the experiment according to the schedule: on the 14th day of glioma development (7th day after invasion), 21st day of tumor development (14th day after invasion), 28th day of tumor development (21st day after invasion), 35th day of glioma development (28th day after invasion), 42nd day of tumor development (35th day after invasion) and 49th day of development of glioma (42nd day after invasion) and sampling material (tumor, liver).It was revealed that invasion at a dose of 50 Toxoplasma tachyzoites per 1 g of body weight (10,000 tachyzoites per female) of an animal during tumor development leads to an increase in the expression of survivin (BIRC5), VEGF, ErbB-2/HER2-Neu in tumor and liver biopsies collected on the 7th, 14th, 21st, 28th, 35th, 42nd days of the development of the parasite in comparison with uninfected animals with a tumor.Infection of female rats with glioma at a dose of 50 Toxoplasma tachyzoites per 1 g of body weight (10 000 tachyzoites per female) leads to a decrease in the expression of the TP53 anti-oncoge
70-76 207
The purpose of the study is to study the combined effect of ionizing radiation and harmful production factors on the human body, including the personnel of nuclear industry enterprises. The article considers the data of the research results revealing the patterns of the combined action of ionizing radiation in combination with physical and chemical factors. In the current situation, insufficient knowledge of the consequences of the combined effects of AI and factors of a non-radiative nature, as well as the lack of uniform principles and methods for rationing such effects, leads to the fact that existing approaches to rationing are based on taking into account the effects of ionizing radiation on a person, without taking into account the possible modification of the radiobiological effect with simultaneous exposure to certain non-radiative factors and their combinations.
77-84 100
Despite the fact that erythrocytes are considered relatively resistant to the action of ionizing radiation, the recent literature data have indicated a presence of changes in their properties, detected by modern methods when the cell are irradiated at relatively low doses. The aim of the work was a comparative analysis of changes in the parameters of structural and nanomechanical properties of the surface of human and Balb/c line mouse erythrocytes when whole blood was irradiated in vitro with X-ray radiation at a dose of 0,5 Gy using the atomic force microscopy in PeakForce QNM mode. There were no significant differences in the roughness of the topographic images and the adhesion force maps of the areas of the erythrocyte surface with a size of 250 nm × 250 nm for humans and mice, as well as its changes after the action of X-ray radiation. For nanoscale areas of the cell surface, an increase in the average values of the adhesion force and the spatial period corresponding to the average cell size of the membrane skeleton network of erythrocytes after the X-ray irradiation of blood was found. The obtained data indicate low-dose radiation-induced changes in the parameters of the adhesive properties and nanoarchitectonics of the cell surface that areassociated with changes in the spatial structure of the membrane skeleton of erythrocytes.
85-90 142
Nowadays different kind of violation of posture is the most common abnormality of the health of children. With this pathology a deterioration of the spring function of the spine and lower limbs takes place. Besides, it is accompanied by deformities of the feet, pain in the joints, muscle spasms and negatively affects the general condition of the child’s body, limiting its physiological capabilities. The article presents the results of changes in the lower limbs and the spinal column of children before and after corrective measures. These measures facilitated the development of strength endurance of the muscles, ligaments, bone changes in the foot, shin and thigh, as well as alignment of muscle tone of the right and left half of the body by stretching tense muscles and straining relaxed ones. As a result, the spine returned to the correct position.


91-98 106
This article presents the results of a prospective study of the cardioprotective potential of two groups of hypoglycemic drugs: sodium-glucose cotransporter 2 inhibitors (empagliflozin) and dipeptidyl peptidase 4 (vildaglpitin). 90 patients with type 2 diabetes were randomized using a random number generator into 3 groups, depending on the antihyperglycemic therapy prescribed for the next 6 months: the group that continued to receive gliclazide and metformin, the group in addition to gliclazide and metformin received vildagliptin at a dose of 100 mg/day, the group in addition to gliclazide and metformin received empaglilflozin at a dose of 25 mg/day. Empagliflozin therapy was accompanied by regression of the left ventricular myocardial mass index (118,00 [116,00; 121,00] g/m2 versus 121,00 [118,00; 122,00] g/m2) and a decrease of the natriuretic peptide (proBNP) (23,50 [16,70; 33,30] pg/ml versus 31,00 [24,30; 46,20] pg/ ml (p <0,05).
99-104 101
The aim of the study was a comparative analysis of the clinical and demographic characteristics of patients and the dynamics of their early results of surgical treatment of primary open-angle glaucoma in Krasnoyarsk region over 10 years. The retrospective study included 1815 people (1859 eyes) with primary open-angle glaucoma who received hypotensive surgical treatment. It was found that among those who received surgical treatment for glaucoma, the proportion of men was significantly higher than women. The average age of the operated patients remained unchanged throughout the observation period and ranged from 66,4 to 67,6 years. The number of patients with advanced stage of the disease has increased over the decade from 57% to 65% (p<0,05). In most cases (76-82%), operations were performed with uncompensated moderately increased or high ophthalmotonus.Given the high specific gravity of eyes with advanced stages of glaucoma (advanced - 65% and terminal - 8%), and the recommended target intraocular pressure for these stages of the disease, it has been suggested that in some cases there is a late referral of patients to the surgical type of treatment.
105-110 105
We have carried out a comparative analysis of the cytokine contentl in the peripheral blood of 41 patients with chronic kidney disease who underwent kidney transplantation at the RRCRM&HE. The level of interleukin 2, 1β, 6, 8 was determined before transplantation, 24 hours later and 3 days after transplantation. A significant increase in the IL-2 level was revealed already 24 hours after the transplantation with a slight decrease by the 3rd day, however, the indicator remained higher relative to the concentration in the control group. There was a significant increase in the IL-6 level in comparison with the control group already 24 hours after kidney transplantation, a high level of which persisted for 3 days, despite a slight decrease. There were no significant differences in relation to the IL-1β level in renal transplant recipients in comparison with the control group in the first three days of the postoperative period. However, an increase in the concentration of this cytokine was noted by the 3rd day after transplantation. A significant predominance of the IL-8 level in recipients compared with control groups was revealed only on the first day of the postoperative period. The study of the IL-1β, 2, 6, 8 profile and factors affecting their concentration in renal transplant recipients in the early postoperative period is promising for determining new possibilities for specific therapy in order to improve the results of renal allograft transplantation.
111-120 103
Assessment of psychophysiological adaptation of two patients with severe ARS and moderate ARS and leukemia, who suffered in the accident at Chernobyl NPP, according to the data of their individual mental adaptation and stages of the hematological syndrome.Two patients, former workers of the emergency shift of the Chernobyl NPP, were examined. One of them performed the duties of an engineer (Patient No. 1, 1961), the second - deputy head of the turbine shop (Patient No. 2, 1950). They are 04/26/1986. were subjected to acute external relatively uniform gamma-beta irradiation due to the accident at Chernobyl NPP. Patient No. 1 received acute radiation sickness of III degree of severity, multiple radiation burns of I-II degrees (40%) and III-IV degrees (15%) of the body surface. Patient No. 2 - ARS II degree of severity and oropharyngeal syndrome I degree. The radiation dose, according to cytogenetic studies, was 4,3 Gy (Patient No. 1) and 3,4 Gy (Patient No. 2). Patient No. 1 in January 2007 was diagnosed with chronic myeloid leukemia PH-positive in the phase of acceleration. Patient No. 2 - in June 2016 AML, transformation from myelodysplastic syndrome (MDS). Despite the ongoing therapy, death in patient No. 1 occurred in November 2008, in patient No. 2 - in March 2017.Psychophysiological research was carried out using the automated software and methodological complex «Expert», designed to study the personality traits of a person, cognitive and intellectual personality traits.The individual personality traits were determined in two patients in the form of asthenic depression with depressive-hypochondriacal tendencies in one patient and a demonstrative type of psychophysiological adaptation disorder with pronounced hypochondria and a tendency to anxiety-depressive type of behavior in the other.Individual personality traits are represented by two types of impairment of psychophysiological adaptation: the type of asthenic depression and the demonstrative type of impairment of psychophysiological adaptation.
121-127 90
This study quantified T and B cell receptor DNA ring fragments (TREC and KREC) in the peripheral blood of 115 preterm infants with gestational ages of 23,4-37,0 weeks. It has been shown that perinatal and intaranatal factors, such as anamnestic, obstetric and gynecological, complications of the course of pregnancy, type of delivery, singleton and multiple pregnancies do not have a significant effect on the number of TREC/KREC copies in the peripheral blood of premature infants, therefore, do not have a significant effect on functional state of immunity during the neonatal period.
128-133 102
Cancer of the oral mucosa and oropharynx is ranked 6th in the world. Most domestic and foreign oncologists prefer combination therapy in the treatment of cancer of the oropharyngeal area, where surgery is the leading component in the treatment. The work is based on the study of the clinical results of surgical treatment of 177 patients. The volume of surgical resection depended on the location and prevalence of cancer on the mucous membrane of the tongue, the bottom of the oral cavity, and the oral part of the pharynx. Depending on the volume of surgical resection, all patients were divided into two groups: the group with intraoral resections included 95 (53,6%) patients who underwent intraoral resection within one or two anatomical structures. The group with extended resections and the stage of reconstructive surgery included 82 (46,3%) patients, all patients underwent extended resection within at least three anatomical zones. The resulting post-resection defects, which are incompatible with life, are an absolute indication for performing simultaneous reconstructive operations. After surgical treatment, postoperative mortality and five-year relapse-free survival were studied in all patients at the stages of dynamic control.
134-143 123
The phenotypic plasticity of clinical isolates of Stаphylococcus aureus, caused by the adaptive transformation of metabolism while being in the biofilm, the action of antibacterial drugs and hospital conditions, and the chronic course of the disease substantiated the relevance of this study. The analysis of the main biological properties of 248 S. aureus isolates isolated from the wound swabs of patients was carried out. Evaluated lecithinase, hemolytic, DNase, proteolytic and fibrinolytic activity, plasma coagulation reaction, mannitol fermentation. The presence of biofilm formation genes (icaAD, icaBC, icaR) was determined, the phenotypic degree of biofilm production was assessed using spectrophotometric detection. The frequency of occurrence of ica+ (87,5%) and ica- (12,5%) S. aureus in wounds of various etiology and duration has been established. The variability of the phenotypic ability to form a biofilm and the manifestation of the main biological properties of S. aureus were determined by the growth characteristics of S. aureus (quantity, monoculture, or association) and the nature of the wound process (extent of damage, duration of the wound). The revealed features can serve as additional criteria for assessing the pathogenic potential of clinical S. aureus isolates when interpreting the results of microbiological research.


144-152 164
Primary angle-closure glaucoma (PACG) is one of the most prognostically unfavorable forms of glaucoma from the point of view of visual impairment. The article presents literature review describing current data on the epidemiology, classification and genetics of angle-closure glaucoma. Risk factors for PACG are: old age, female sex, asian race. Anatomical risk factors for anterior chamber angle closure include small width, area and volume of the anterior chamber, thick iris with a large curvature, and large curvature of the lens. Decrease in the density of collagen type 1 in the iris tissue associated with decrease in the iris area and increase in the width of the anterior chamber, which may contribute to progression of disease. The iris of the eyes of patients with history of PACG is significantly more rigid compared to healthy ones. Despite the fact that the strictly inherited mutations characteristic of PACG have not yet been identified, PACG can be called a multifactorial, genetically determined disease that is the result of the interaction of genetic and epigenetic factors. Taking into account genetic polymorphisms and other biomarkers will significantly increase the efficiency of diagnosis and treatment of the disease.
153-158 97
The article briefly describes the main results of the activities of the metrological service (laboratory «Metrological research and standardization» on metrological support of the main research areas of the Federal State Budgetary Institution SRC FMBC named after A.I. Burnazyan FMBA of Russia: development of regulatory documentation, metrological certification of measurement techniques, metrological examination of documents, organization and verification of measuring instruments, maintaining a fund of regulatory documents in the field of metrology and standardization, maintaining the Register of certified measurement procedures of the FMBA of Russia, metrological supervision in the field of radiobiology, radiation and chemical protection and safety, radiation and dosimetric control, medical and biological safety of non-ionizing radiation.
159-164 90
Cytological method of examination is a full-fledged method of morphological diagnostics and along with histological examination is included into the algorithm of diagnostics and treatment of malignant tumors. Cytological examination of urine cellular sediment allows to detect and differentiate pathological processes of urothelial tract. The efficiency of cytological method depends on the organization of pre-analytical stage of work: the correctness of the collected biological sample (urine), timely transportation to the laboratory, methods of cellular material concentration, the uniformity of cell distribution on the glass and methods of staining. This article presents the experience of the centralized cytological laboratory of the institution «Gomel regional clinical oncologic dispensary» in carrying out cytological studies of urine cellular sediment by liquid cytology in patients with urothelial tract pathology.
165-174 150
Patent and licensing activities are priority for the development of medical science. The study analyzes the inventions issued for the treatment of various forms of glaucoma. There is an ongoing search for new methods of treating the disease, despite the many known methods. The article describes more promising interesting medical, laser, microinvasive, surgical and combined methods for the treatment of glaucoma. Innovative methods described with the introduction of their schemes.The review will benefit and be useful to a wide audience. Residents can invent, patent, and license their own original method of glaucoma treatment after introducing existing inventions. Surgeons can opt out of routine operations and introduce new technical elements from different methods, testing their effectiveness and safety in everyday practice.

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ISSN 2074-2088 (Print)