No 1 (2016)
7-14 138
The accident at the Chernobyl nuclear power plant belongs to the largest human-made disasters in the history of nuclear power. There were no experience in liquidation of disasters of such level: in the first months after the disaster was characterized not only complicated radiation situation and the evacuation of a large number of the population of the 30-kilometer zone around the nuclear power plant, but the lack of legislation governing the social protection of citizens, health care, the legal regime of the territories in the event of a disaster of this magnitude. After the catastrophe annual basis for many laws and orders. However, it became increasingly clear that without clear government program to eliminate the consequences of the disaster, the relevant legislation to solve the whole complex of problems are impossible. In order to preserve the health of the population by the Government of Belarus from May 5 to 9 December 1986 it was adopted 32 normative documents aimed at implementation of protective measures. Accumulation of practical experience and scientific advances have allowed to develop the concept of the organization of medical maintenance of the population affected by the Chernobyl disaster, the legal framework to address the issues of social protection of citizens and legal regime of the territories. This article gives a historical overview of the formation of the legal framework that determines the order of liquidation of consequences of the Chernobyl disaster and minimize the health consequences for the affected population
15-23 195
The results of the long-term health monitoring of the liquidators of Chernobyl accident are summarized in the article. The epidemiological analysis of morbidity, disability and mortality of the liquidators of Chernobyl accident is conducted, hereby the connection between the above-mentioned indicators and the factors of non-radiation nature is established. The basic mechanism of development of somatic pathologies in the liquidators of Chernobyl accident and residents of the contaminated territories includes psychological tension, endocrine imbalance, inflammation, metabolism disorders and differentiations, atherogenesis.
24-30 74
In a remote period after the Chernobyl accident, in an existing exposure situation there is a need of the transition from "zoning radioactive areas" to ensure the appropriate level of radiation and social protection of the residents of settlements located on radioactively contaminated territories to "the classification of settlements by average annual effective doses of critical group of people among the residents of the settlement". The analysis of the distributions of average annual effective external and internal doses, the average annual effective total dose of settlement residents referred to the corresponding zones on the last decision of the Council of Ministers, and on the proposed dose ranges confirmed this. In accordance with the principles of radiation protection, it seems reasonable to classify the settlements located on the radioactive contaminated territories at an average annual effective doses: <0,1 mSv/year (not required to carry out countermeasures in the agriculture); ≥0,1-1 mSv/year (periodic radiation monitoring should be carried out); ≥1 mSv/year (it is necessary to enter set of protective measures).
A. V. Rozhko,
E. A. Nadyrov,
I. V. Veyalkin,
A. N. Stozharov,
E. L. Bogdan,
S. N. Nikonovich,
O. F. Semenenko,
O. N. Zakharova,
Yu. V. Chaykova,
A. A. Cheshik
31-42 195
Purpose of this study was to estimate the health status of the various categories of Belorussian population affected by the Chernobyl catastrophe 30 years after the accident. The aging of study revealed population and its gradual natural decline were shown. The most pronounced aging was observed in the cohort of liquidators from 41.0 [30.0; 50.0] years in 1986 to 59.0 [54.0; 66.0] years in 2014. In the analysis of the primary incidence rates the negative trend was found. The structure of primary morbidity of the affected population did not differ from the Republic of Belarus. The mortality of the affected population did not exceed the republican level, and in the cohort of liquidators it was below the population level (in 2014 SMR = 0,98 (0,93-1,03)). The incidence of malignant tumors in the affected population as a whole was slightly higher than the population level or it was even lower (PRG 1: SIR = 1,05 (1,04-1,07), PRG 2: SIR = 0,97 (0,89-1,04 ), PRG 3: (SIR = 0,9 (0,86-0,91))). Elevated levels of cancer incidence were observed due to the high incidence rates of thyroid cancer (all PRG) and leukemia (in 1 PRG).
43-53 91
An article is devoted to the substantiation of the criteria of returning of the territories contaminated due to the accident on the Chernobyl NPP to the conditions of population normal life activity. It is established that all agricultural food products including products from smallholdings corresponds to sanitary-hygienic standards in 13 from 14 territories of Russian Federation (except Bryansk region) referred to the zones of radioactive contamination due to Chernobyl accident. 137Cs content exceeds sanitary-hygienic limits adopted in Sanitary Rules for a part of milk samples from smallholdings of Bryansk region and for the vast number of natural foodstuffs (berries, mushrooms, fish, game meat) samples from the most contaminated territories of Bryansk and Kaluga regions. 137Cs content both in agricultural food products and natural foodstuffs produced and collected in radioactive contaminated territories depend not only on soil surface activity but also on soil group and type. Average annual population effective exposure dose for the population of a settlement from the Chernobyl accident products (in conditions of the absence of active measures for population radioactive protection) exceeds 0.3 mSv/year only in 713 settlements of Bryansk, Kaluga, Orel and Tula regions. Mentioned dose exceeds 1 mSv/year in 276 settlements of Bryansk region affected to the highest radioactive contamination, and in 8 from these settlements this dose exceeds 5 mSv/year. Russian Federation legislative base determines only criteria and requirements for the referencing of affected territories to the zones of radioactive contamination. Requirements are not developed for the transfer of the territories radioactively contaminated due to radiation accidents as well as for population living on these territories to the conditions of normal life activity. Radiological criteria are suggested for the transfer of the settlements referred to the zones of radioactive contamination to the conditions of population normal life activity.
54-61 167
The review presents a new approach to study risks of radiation based on the research in special non-stochastic (non-target), species non-specific, non-mutagen cellular effects initiated by exposure to low doses. The effects differ from those traditionally studied mutagenic effects of radiation by mass nature, high frequency, dose-independence, practical inconvertibility, display out of mitosis. These unusual effects are examined by the example of damage to the endothelium of blood capillaries. Examined materials open a new approach to study of possibility of decrease of the remote biological consequences of radiation.
62-69 90
Screening is the leading method in the early detection of precancerous and tumor cervical processes. A review of the literature and the data obtained by different methods was carried out. The article deals with the epidemiological situation and the necessity of implementation and of cervical screening among women of reproductive age with the use of liquid-based cytology method based on data from various laboratory studies. The different methods of liquid-based cytology for a long period of time are also compared
70-76 219
The article reviews contemporary approaches to secondary prophylaxis of cervical cancer and emphasizes the role of early diagnostics of cervical cancer implemented in form of screening programs. The role of HPV testing in terms of screening program is also reviewed. According to analyzed data the crucial actions to perform a successful screening program are: determination of correct target group, choice of appropriate screening method and economic feasibility. Thus in majority of countries it is recommended to start screening at the age of 25-30 years while screening in younger age is clinically and economically unpractical. The results of clinical studies also shows that annual screening is ineffective and economically inappropriate, it is recommended to recall patients with negative results in 3-5 years depending on the method that was used. The choice of screening method is widely discussed. The vast majority of metaanalyses and reviews acknowledge high relevance of HPV testing in screening program. At the moment there are different approaches in utilization of HPV test. It may be used either in primary screening (along with cytology or as the only primary screening test), or as triage test for patients with doubtful cytology or colposcopy results. More of it at present moment there is a significant amount of data on effectiveness of HPV testing as a test-of-cure.
77-81 80
Contents of 90Sr in food and food raw materials produced on the territory of Chernobyl radioactive contamination are significantly higher than those predicted 20 years ago at the time of development of the national radiation protection strategy. It has been established that a committed internal dose from 90Sr intake during 70 years, calculated taking into account the actual dynamics of 90Sr transfer from soil to plants, may be 2 times higher than the estimated dose values calculated with the method which assumed sharp exponential decrease in the levels of food contamination in the post-accident period. There is a strong necessity in improving the existing procedures used for assessing committed doses from 90Sr intake by population. This should be done in order to accurately estimate radiation doses from 90Sr ingestion based on which the strategy of radiation protection of the population in case of nuclear accidents at NPPs and spent fuel storage facilities is developed.
82-90 126
We have investigated and analyzed the indicators of central hemodynamics and electrical activity of the heart in female smokers and female non-smokers aged from 17 to 21 years. It was found that the main indicators of central hemodynamics such as heart rate, volume velocity ejection of blood, power reduction of left ventricular, average dynamic pressure, systolic blood volume, minute volume of blood, cardiac index, and stroke index in women smokers was significantly higher in comparison with women who did not smoke. The analysis of the electrical activity of the heart revealed an increased heart rate and blood pressure in women with different experience of smoking. This indicates that active smoking has a negative impact on the performance of central hemodynamics and its key indicators, and their characteristics depend on the number of cigarettes smoked, smoking experience, and also on uncontrolled body weight and age of the smoker.
91-96 152
Cancer effects of ionizing radiation are markers of radiation damage, and their levels depend on the values of the effective dose equivalent. In order to assess the dynamics of cancer prevalence, for the period 2010-2014, in the radiation risk group, representing the population of some areas of Kazakhstan adjacent to the Semipalatinsk nuclear test site, we formed 2 dose groups, represented by two groups of people directly exposed to radiation at a dose of 100,0-199,0 mSv and 200,0-250,0 mSv and over aged 50 and older and their descendants in the second generation aged 40-49. High relative risks of total cancer incidence were registered in the main group and the comparison group, also more than two-fold and half fold excess of relative risks for lung cancer and bronchus, breast cancer was established. Cancer excesses in the main group and comparison group were recorded over the age of 40, reflecting their post-radiation implementation in the remote period after the formation of effective doses (40-50 years), in the group of persons exposed to direct radiation and their descendants in the second generation (aged 40-49 years).
97-105 78
An article is devoted to the estimation of the current, accumulated and prognosis exposure doses for the population living in the territories affected due to the accident on Chernobyl NPP. It is established that the values of the average annual exposure dose of the population of a settlement will not exceed 1 mSv/year in conditions of the absence of active measures for population radioactive protection in 13 from 14 territories of Russian Federation (except Bryansk region) referred to the zones of radioactive contamination due to Chernobyl accident. Average annual population effective exposure dose for the population of a settlement from the Chernobyl accident products (in conditions of the absence of active measures for population radioactive protection) exceeds 0.3 mSv/year only in 713 settlements of Bryansk, Kaluga, Orel and Tula regions. Mentioned dose exceeds 1 mSv/year in 276 settlements of Bryansk region affected to the highest radioactive contamination, and in 8 from these settlements this dose exceeds 5 mSv/year. The results obtained during the Institute investigations allowed establishing the peculiarities of exposure dose forming for the population living in the settlements located in the territories with different levels of 137Cs soil surface activity. Due to this fact we have opportunity of estimation actual and prognosis exposure doses for population and it's critical groups not only for investigated settlements but for all settlements referred to the zones of radioactive contamination. Corresponding dose estimations were consistently carried out for the settlements of 14 territories of Russian Federation affected with radiation contamination after the accident in Chernobyl NPP.
106-112 88
The present research paper examines the incidence rates of tuberculosis among children and adolescents living in the Mogilev region of Belarus which was devastatingly affected by the Chernobyl accident. In the framework of the research a database has been developed where all primary cases of tuberculosis among children and adolescents in the Mogilev region during 2004-2014 were recorded. All children and adolescents diagnosed with tuberculosis and recorded in the mentioned database were then divided into two groups. The first group included children and adolescents living in the areas most affected by the Chernobyl disaster. The second group included children and adolescents living in less affected areas of the Mogilev region. The dynamics of the tuberculosis incidence rates among the population of both the most affected areas and less affected areas not has identical patterns. The study has shown that the incidence rates of tuberculosis has been higher in the most affected areas than in less affected areas. The incidence rates of tuberculosis among the urban population of the most affected areas were 2,13-2,64 times higher than among the urban population of less affected areas. The incidence rates of tuberculosis among the rural population of the most affected areas were 2,61-2,74 times higher than among the rural population of less affected areas.
V. . Yauseyenka,
V. . Drozdovitch,
E. . Ostroumova,
V. . Minenko,
M. . Hatch,
O. . Polyanskaya,
A. . Brenner,
I. . Veyalkin,
E. . Nadyrov,
L. . Starostenko,
A. . Rozhko,
K. . Mabuchi
113-123 81
The paper describes the methodology to construct a cohort of people exposed in utero in Belarus after the Chernobyl fallout, namely sources of information and methods of data collection, including information essential for individual dose reconstruction such as personal whereabouts, sources and type of food at the time of the radioactive fallout and after it. The paper presents current status of the cohort construction and some characteristics of the cohort, including internal and external doses to the thyroid from pre- and postnatal radiation exposure. The paper discusses perspectives of research on radiation-related risks of thyroid and non-thyroid cancers as well as of non-cancer thyroid diseases.
124-130 91
Dose assessment to public in case of normal operation of the Belarusian NPP was performed. Dose to public from the age group dependence was analyzed as well as the contribution of different radionuclides and pathways to total dose. Justification of the size of the sanitary-protection zone around the Belarusian NPP was made. It was found that the total dose to public from all the factors of radiation impact of gaseous and aerosol releases from both NPP units will not exceed 0,2 µSv/year in any direction out of the Belarusian NPP site territory. Such levels of radiation impact allow establishing sanitary protection zone at the same territory as site boundaries. Contribution of different radionuclides to total dose differs depending on the distance from the reference point of the radius vector of the sanitary-protection zone.
131-137 97
An experimental study of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole neuroprotective properties in the test system culture of proliferating cells took place. Incubation of inoculated cell line L929 with 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in the concentration range of 0,03-3,00 mcg/m showed no statistically significant change (p ≤ 0.05) in cell population density in monolayer cultures. At the same time we observed (for all the applied concentrations of reactant) stimulation of mitotic activity on the terminal (day 5) stage of cultivation. Irradiation of cells by 60Co gamma rays at doses of 1, 5 and 10 Gy led to a dose-dependent morphological changes in a cell culture. Irradiation of cells at the presence of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole showed significant reduce of negative impact of radiation on the indicators of cell viability in culture. Quantifying evaluation of radiomodifying action of 2-mercaptobenzothiazole in a test cell culture system (line L929) showed that the highest protection factor (0, 31-0,36) reagent showed at a concentration of 3 mcg/ml at a radiation dose of 1 Gy. At the same time the dose reduction factor (calculated according to the LD50) under the concentration of 0.03 and 0.30 mcg/ml had a value of 1.5 and 1.8 respectively and at a concentration of 3.00 mcg/ml was the maximum - 4. From the combination of literature data and results of our research 2-mercaptobenzothiazole can be considered as reagent with radioprotective properties for proliferating cells in vitro.
138-144 136
One of the tasks of dose monitoring in the long-term period after the Chernobyl accident is proper estimation of exposure dose in the population of settlement that are located in the territory of radioactive contamination. The proper estimation of internal exposure dose is possible due to conducting dedicated and regular whole-body counting of population of those settlements that are the most typical in relation to the terms of internal exposure dose forming. These settlements serve as control points for the monitoring system of internal exposure doses. The results, which were obtained during the examination of control settlements, can be used for periodic inspection for conformance of settlement zoning to the actual radiation conditions and population dose obtained from radiation fallout after the Chernobyl accident; also, it can be used for current predictive pattern estimation. The conducting of whole-body counting in the control settlements makes it possible to transform general dose monitoring into dedicated. That optimizes materials costs without quality loss of the radiation exposure estimation in the population.
145-149 80
Diabetic retinopathy is the leading cause permanently reduced vision and blindness. The main factors influencing the progression of diabetic retinopathy when translated into insulin are: initial state of the retina, body mass index, glycated hemoglobin, duration of diabetes, hypertension.
150-156 87
The aim of the study was to determine of structure of bacterial complications of cirrhosis and antibiotic resistance of pathogens in hospitalized patients with cirrhosis. The structure of etiology of bacterial infections and antibiotic resistance of bacteria in this group is cited. Results: a total 57 samples of ascitic fluid, 29 samples of blood, 21 samples of urine, and 8 samples of sputum has been processed. Were detected 67 cases of bacterial infections (44,4%; 95%CI 36,3-52,7%). The most common causative bacteria in blood and AF microbial analysis were Gram-positive cocci (73%). Urinary tract infections were mainly caused by Enterobacteriaceae's family (75%). The rate of multiresistant bacteria was 18,5% (95%CI 6,3-38,9).
157-162 100
The interaction between endocrine and immune systems attracts strong interest in terms of searching for new targets of pathogenetically substantiated correction. Parathyroid hormone can contribute to the changing of immune status with the pathological state accompanied by the development of hyperparathyroidism (HPT). The objective of this work is to study the influence of the primary hyperparathyroidism (PHPT) and accompanying electrolytic disorders in the patients with the primary HPT. We have analyzed the results of clinical observation and examination of 35 patients with PHPT (main group). The level of parathyroid hormone, calcium, phosphorus and lymphocyte subpopulation was estimated in all patients in the peripheral blood (СD3, CD8, CD4, CD19, HLA-DR, CD38, СD16, CD56) and immunoglobulins G,M,A. The control group included 20 health donors (control group). Negative connection between CD3+ and CD19+ lymphocytes and the level of calcium in the blood, also there were differences in the amount of subpopulation of T-lymphocytes (CD3+CD4+ Т-helpers and CD3+CD8+ Т-cytotoxic) in the group with PHPT that confirm the pathological influence of calcium-phosphorus metabolism on immune system with primary hyperparathyroidism.
O. N. Kononova,
A. M. Prystrom,
E. N. Platoschkin,
A. V. Korotaev,
E. P. Naumenko,
N. V. Nikolaeva,
O. V. Zotova
163-169 78
Cardiovascular diseases occupy the leading position in the structure of extragenital pathologies in pregnant women and are still one of the main causes of maternal and perinatal mortality. Extragenital diseases present a topical problem in pregnant women for both general practitioners and obstetrician-gynecologists. To study the structural and functional features of the heart during pregnancy, we carried out echocardiography in 143 women with signs of metabolic syndrome. The prevalence and relevance of MS in female patients of the childbearing age call forth the further thorough and detailed study of the pathogenetic mechanisms of its development in order to decrease the cardiovascular risk in future.
A. V. Kuroyedov,
L. D. Abysheva,
A. S. Alexandrov,
N. A. Bakunina,
A. S. Basinsky,
A. Yu. Brezhnev,
I. R. Gazizova,
A. B. Galimova,
O. V. Gapon'ko,
V. V. Garkavenko,
V. V. Gorodnichy,
M. S. Gorshkova,
A. A. Gusarevitch,
D. A. Dorofeev,
P. Ch. Zavadsky,
O. G. Zvereva,
U. R. Karimov,
U. R. Karimov,
Dzh. N. Lovpache,
I. A. Loskutov,
E. V. Molchanova,
V. Yu. Ogorodnikova,
O. N. Onufriychuk,
S. Yu. Petrov,
Yu. I. Rozhko,
L. B. Tashtitova,
A. S. Khohlova,
I. V. Shaposhnikova,
A. P. Shahalova
170-185 205
To create an optimal scientifically based system of management of diagnosis and treatment process (diagnosis, follow-up, rational medication treatment, surgical treatment) in patients with primary open-angle glaucoma. The final protocol of combined analytical research and clinical multicenter study conducted from July to November 2015 included data from 591 patients (824 eyes). Age, disease duration, disease stage, intraocular pressure level and visual field parameters on the top of treatment and treatment regimens analyzed. The term "regimen" included various combinations of medical, laser and surgical treatment used in the disease management. Average patients' age at the diagnosis was 64.3 (57.5; 70.4). Mean disease duration was 4.1 years (2.0; 7.1). The administered regimen considered effective when intraocular pressure level was below 20 mmHg. The intraocular pressure level between 21 and 25 mmHg considered to be a sign of reduced treatment effectiveness and need for change of the regimen. The eight regimen's changes were analyzed in total, though 90% of cases had 1-5 regimen changes. The first three regimens were used for 1.2 (0.4; 2.6), 1.3 (0.5; 2.5) and 1.1 years (0.5; 2.4) respectively. B-blockers and prostaglandin analogues monotherapy was used as a first-line in 40.1% and 20.8% of cases respectively. Treatment started with combination therapy in 27.8% of cases. Proportion of surgical treatment was 9.9% in regimen №2 and achieved 73.0% in regimen №5. Laser treatment started from regimen №3 though the frequency of administration did not exceed 20.0%. Combination treatment using three and more components was found starting from regimen №5 (57.3%). First line therapy choice is still not rational in many cases. Laser and surgical treatment used ineffectively after 3-4 years from the diagnosis.
186-194 100
To collect and aggregate information of natural topographic-anatomic penis structure features that confirm their participation in the pathogenesis of organic erectile dysfunction contextually the surgical anatomy and modern literature data. The in-house author's intraoperative data of venous and arterial system of penis and penis ligamentous apparatus are presented. The medical significance of erectile dysfunction problems, the topographic anatomy of penis venous and arterial system, the penis innervation features, the connection between vasculogenic and neurogenic erectile dysfunction and the vascular constitution of penis and modern diagnostic methods are considered in the literature review. In addition, the information about the features of tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum penis and the information about the role of its abnormal changes in the development of erectile deformity are presented. The penis corpora cavernosum get the arterial blood from deep and dorsal arteries of penis. There is a spacious network of arterial-arterial anastomoses between the mentioned arteries and between the deep arteries branches of opposite side of penis. The dorsal artery of penis forms an arterial arch with the branches of deep arteries, urethral artery and bulbar artery in the area of balanus. It is determined that venous outflow from the penis is carried out with three sources including superficial vein, deep penile vein and bulbospongiosus vein. The venous outflow is carrying out into the prostatic venous plexuses system, and in the femoral vein and long saphenous vein system. It is determined that there are many venous anastomoses between the mentioned venous collectors. There is a connection between the abnormal venous penile leaks and pampinocele. The innervation of penis is carried out with the pudendal nerve branches and dorsal nerve of penis. The sympathetic nerve fiber prolongs from prostatic plexus composed of cavernous nerves. The erectile nerves carry out the parasympathetic innervation of penis. The conducted literature analysis of the status of erectile dysfunction problem indicates the significance of this problem. The given information confirms the connection between the topographic-anatomic features of penis constitution and development of organic erectile dysfunction.
195-203 87
The authors conducted the analysis of determined infectious sequelae of the early postsurgical period in the patients after the allogenic kidney transplantation. The microbiological monitoring allows revealing some tendencies by species of determined microorganisms, the sensitivity and resistance of some strains typical for the institution. The estimation of conducted antimicrobial and antifungal therapy combined with the immunosuppress therapy accompanying the kidney transplantation and approved with the regulatory documentation of the Ministry of Health of the Republic of Belarus allows determining the risk factors of infection development in the recipients and offering some organizational decisions to improve the efficiency of the high-technology dedicated medical assistance provided to the patients.
204-208 82
Novel biochemical markers of chronic heart failure can serve as a useful tool for the early diagnosis of the disease, for monitoring the effectiveness of pharmacotherapy (personalized medicine), and for prognosis its clinical outcomes. They can play an important role in the risk stratification of patients. According to he data of epidemiological studies of diabetes mellitus patients constituted 28.0% of surveyed with CHF. More 90.0% of cases of them were in FC III-IV heart failure severity. The unfavorable current of disease was observed in 73.0% of diabetes patients. Galectin-3 plays important role in the evaluation of heart failure progression. Clinical trials proved that Galectin-3 is a valuable marker of outcome prognosis in patients with CHF with concomitant diabetes mellitus.
209-216 90
To estimate diagnostic possibility for ultrasonic study, scintigraphy with 99mТс-МIBI and magnetic resonance tomography niveau diagnostics of parathyroid glands neoplasms. The results of ultrasonic study, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance tomography of 83 patients with the diagnosis of PHPT operated in the SI "The Republican Research Center for Radiation Medicine and Human Ecology" in the department of transplantation, endocrine and reconstructive surgery for the period of 2011-2014 are presented. The estimation of diagnostic possibility for ultrasonic study, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance tomography in the niveau diagnostics of parathyroid glands neoplasms. The combined use of ultrasonic study, scintigraphy and magnetic resonance tomography of patients with primary hyperparathyroidism make it possible to visualize the tumor neoplasms of parathyroid gland not only in the typical places of disease localization, but in their ectopic positions and to increase the accuracy of niveau diagnostics up to 96,26%.
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