
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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No 2 (2015)


6-17 86
The pneumonia is the most common disease of the respiratory system. However, the establishment of the diagnosis and adequate treatment can cause a number of different issues. The article presents information of diagnosis and treatment of this disease.
18-23 95
The overview of foreign and domestic literature data dedicated to the problem of the upper urinary tract infections was carried out. The issues of chronic recurrent infections is individually highlighted. The causes and some pathogenesis features were analysed, as well as the reasons for the increase of the chronic conditions percentage in the general structure of infections. Particular attention was paid to the diagnosis problem of the different symptoms of infection process in urinary tract and to the difficulties of the treatment connected with antibiotic resistance development of the uropathogens.


24-40 99
A comparative pooled-analysis of RET/PTC rearrangement frequency in children's papillary carcinomas of spontaneous (Europe + USA + Ukraine) and Chernobyl aetiology (Belarus + Russia + Ukraine) was conducted to determine the radiation attribute value for children's thyroid cancer after the Chernobyl nuclear power plant accident. There was no significant difference between the first case and the second case. The highest frequency of RET/PTC is revealed in the cases of occult carcinomas (Italy + England + USA). The linear decrease trend for RET/PTC level depending on the time after the accident was confirmed for both spontaneous and for Chernobyl carcinomas, what early was shown by other authors. Since a similar relationship was found in pooled-analysis of RET/PTC frequency in the Asia-Pacific region, which was most weakly affected by Chernobyl accident, the explanation of this phenomenon cannot be fully attributed to the radiation factor. Most likely, the obtained effects were due to the subjective diagnostic biases and cases of "aggressive surgery" that took place after the Chernobyl accident. Earlier detection of the occult carcinomas and microcarcinomas in various countries of the world resulted in the registration of high frequency RET/PTC that is representative of this kind of tumors.
41-47 85
Modern ecological situation is characterized by a combined action of toxicants of physical and chemical nature. A special place among them belongs to ionizing radiation and heavy metals. Experimental study investigates biological effects in cell culture under the combined action of radiation in doses of 0,5-10 Gy and copper compounds in concentrations of 0,01-10 µmol/l. The results showed that incubation of the cells with copper ions in varying concentrations leads to activation as well as to inhibition of morphological and functional cells properties. The combined action of ionizing radiation and copper ions on cells in vitro showed changes in cell viability, which was defined by the dose of radiation and trace element concentrations. Incubation of cells with copper ions causes an increase in cell resistance to irradiation at a dose of 0,5 and 5 Gy. Irradiation and the presence of copper ions separately and together induced apoptosis in cell culture.
48-52 130
The evaluation of mitotic activity of human peripheral blood lymphocytes in comparative aspect under the treatment with ionizing radiation and nitric oxide in co-mutagenic modifications (additional treatment with ascorbic acid of therapeutic concentration) was performed for the first time. Ascorbic acid as co-mutagen stimulates mitotic activity of in vitro irradiated cells and the most marked effect is detected under high dose irradiation. Ascorbic acid does not influence on proliferative potential of human lymphocytes under the combined action with nitric oxide.
53-58 83
As a result of the study revealed the 7 teams that bring together a number of occupations among men and women, with significant difference by the average value of internal dose. Determined the quantiles of the dose distribution of each group among men and women in the distribution of the dose in the village take its definite place. Received the results will improve the accuracy of the estimation of individual doses of internal exposure for persons living in radioactively contaminated territories and thereby reduce the uncertainty in estimating exposure doses.
59-65 149
In the present article the results of the following yeasts experiments are given: investigation of lethal effect of low doses and manifestation of adaptive reaction to chronic exposure at low-power doses. We investigated the sensitivity of yeasts cells to the acute irradiation that was performed after the low-power doses irradiation in a wide power range of doses (10-6, 10-5, 10-4, 10-3, 10-2, 0.5, 1, 3, 8, 10 и 40 Gr/h). It was shown that at the midget capacities of doses (10-6, 10-5 Gr/h) the adaptive reaction is absent, whereas starting from 10-4 Gr/h and above, the intensity of the adaptive reaction constantly increases, reaching the value of 2,4-2,7 for the maximum capacities of the doses used in the experiment. Also we analyzed the possibility of the adaptive reaction manifestation at the high capacities of doses when the death of cages is observed. It was shown, that the survived part of cell population also demonstrates an adaptive reaction after the high capacity doses irradiation.
66-72 78
The population of the Abaisk and Beskaragai region of the East Kazakhstan District is the object of the examination. The examination goal is the complete cytogenetic examination of the population resides at the region of former Semipalatinsk nuclear range. Operationally the intake of biological material (peripheral blood), as well as FISH and routine methods of cytogenetic examination was conducted. Thus, rate and kinds of chromosome aberration was defined in the second generation of persons, who resides at nuclear contaminated territory. The analysis of educed chromosome defects in peripheral blood lymphocytes of the population under examination was conducted.
73-78 89
The analysis of gene polymorphism of metabolism regulators of the employees performing special tasks for the Armed forces of the Republic of Belarus revealed interrelation of gene alleles ACTN3, TFAM, PPARA and PPARGC1A and successful adaptation to intensive physical activities in performing combat training tasks. There were detected some peculiarities of changes in the parameters of the circulatory system in performing combat training tasks connected with high physical activity of people with different genotypes of the considered candidate genes. We have established regulators of metabolism alleles of genes associated with high rates of physical endurance. The relevance of screening of the ACTN3 gene polymorphisms, TFAM, PPARA and PPARGC1A was proven in the conduct of military-professional selection for service in the units performing specific tasks connected with high physical activity.
79-85 91
In recent years (2003-2013) in the Republic of Belarus there is a growth in the number of ticks and their contamination with tick-borne encephalitis and Lyme borreliosis. Ticks I. ricinus collected along highways have the anomalies of development (damaged exoskeleton). It is connected with the action ions of heavy metals on ticks, the most of toxic is cadmium. Cadmium is contained in the emissions of motor transport and pollutes the soil at a distance of 300 m from the highway. Abnormal ticks infected with the spirochete (Borrelia spp.) by 1,7 times more often than normal ticks.
86-93 88
The features of dose formation in the organs of laboratory Wistar rats with long-term ingestion of 131I are investigated. We identified variables that describe the function of uptake of iodine in the thyroid gland. It is shown that the integral dose in organs consists of two components: the dose from radionuclides directly entering the body and extra doses of ?-radiation radionuclides in the main depot - thyroid and hypodermis. Cytogenetic changes in the cells of the bone marrow (BM) in their long-term exposure to radioactive iodine were studied. It was revealed that under these conditions the amount of radiation unstable aberrant cells gradually decreases as the inclusion of repair processes. Number of translocations opposite - increases with time. With the accumulation of the absorbed dose in the BM increases the number of polyploid cells.
94-100 84
A laboratory method to obtain high activity test-allergen from yeasts Saccharomyces cerevisiae was developed. Using the obtained test-allergen in the laboratory diagnostics has allowed to establish significant and widespread (more than 80% of patients) induction in the organism of workers in the production of Baker's yeast sensitization occupational etiology.


101-105 141
The HIV status determination analysis and laboratory examination of 117 HIV-infected children which were born in Gomel region were done. The parameters of physical development and some laboratory parameters in 117 HIV-infected children in Gomel region were compared with the data of 107 HIV-exposed children. The perinatal and infant autopsy protocols of 25 HIV-exposed children under the age of 1 year who died in the period from September 1998 to January 2010 were analyzed. Despite the accepted terms of HIV status in children determination (age 2 and 4 months), within the first year of life HIV diagnosis was confirmed only in 22 children (19%) based on clinical data and two positive PCR results. We analyzed the available autopsy protocols of HIV-exposed children. Of these, only two were diagnosed with HIV infection in infancy and the cause of their death was a viral infection. In other children due to various reasons HIV status until death has not been recognized. Laboratory indicators of peripheral blood in the two groups were within normal limits. The platelet counts in peripheral blood of HIV-infected newborns (median 245) were significantly lower vs. HIV-exposed (median 297, p=0,04). The level of platelets in the peripheral blood at birth below 286?109 / L (sensitivity 82,6%, specificity 56,2%) can predict HIV infection.
106-115 109
The paper presents the results of the study of cognitive functions state in patients with primary hypothyroidism. The evaluation of clinical and anamnestic data, laboratory parameters in patients with primary hypothyroidism was performed. Using logistic analysis there were determined the risk factors that contribute to the development of disorders of higher cortical functions in primary hypothyroidism.
116-119 76
The work presents the results of clinical, laboratory and instrumental data of 162 patients with dyslipidemia. The analysis of lipid profile, ultrasound Doppler sounding of brachiocephalic artery and echocardiography was conducted. Data of preliminary genetic alternate research of the gene of low density lipoprotein receptors is presented. Aggravated heritage family history, echocardiography data changing and atherosclerotic changes of brachiocephalic arteries are noticed.
120-127 116
In this paper materials of the Burnasyan FMBC of FMBA of Russia Register of acute radiation disease in the Former USSR and Russia and database materials of workers "Mayak" with chronic radiation syndrome, the archive data of the Clinical hospital №6 patients of the Institute of Biophysics, as well as data on individuals with totat-body protracted exposures were analyzed. Were selected 32 patients with radiation syndrome due to fractionated or prolonged accidental exposure. There has been described the subacute course of marrowy syndrome of radiation disease, therу has been identified and analyzed the clinical criteria that distinguish subacute radiation syndrome from acute and chronic. The medium dose rate in the range of 0.1-0.3 Gy/day for subacute course of radiation syndrome was found.
128-133 88
The case of a spontaneous carotid dissection, having features of a clinical picture in the form of trigeminal neuralgia is described.
134-140 148
Degree of micronucleus incidence in gastric superficial epithelium myxocyte in infected and uninfected Helicobacter pylori of gastric mucosa research was conducted. Histopathological examination of micronucleus and Helicobacter pylori were conducted in gastric biopsy specimen of patients with chronic gastritis (according to ICD-10K29.3) of the group of persons that reside at radiation contaminated territory and of the group of persons that has no facts of radiation exposure in the history. Maximum degree of myxocyte with micronucleus was in persons that reside at radiation contaminated territory with Helicobacter pylori infected. The degree of micronucleus incidence in myxocyte of gastric mucosa in the group of patients from the contaminated territory was fivefold more than in patients with gastric mucosa uninfected (p<0,001). Thus, with high probability it's possible to submit, that Helicobacter pylori activate mutagenic effect of radiation factor.
141-147 98
Cross-sectional study of hypertension prevalence among adult 18-59 old rural population living in the territories with different of 137Cs density revealed unfavorable epidemiological situation. The hypertension with adjustment for age and sex was positively associated with body mass index (p<0,001), family history of premature cardiovascular disease (p<0,001), gustatory sensitivity to sodium chloride (p<0,001), Lusher anxiety (p<0,001), alcohol abuse (p<0,001), residence in the territories with 137Cs density more than 5 Ci/km? (р<0.01), heart rate (p<0,01), smoking (p<0,05). Cross-sectional study stressed necessity of implementation of primary hypertensive prevention in population living in the radioactive contaminated territory.
148-153 99
The paper presents the results of a study of the microbial flora of various departments of the middle ear in patients with chronic suppurative otitis media. These studies showed that all patients with severe destructive changes in the middle ear pathogens were highly resistant to antibiotics. Treatment of such patients should be carried out with the use of cephalosporins of 2nd and 3rd generation, or fluoroquinolones.


154-159 88
In this research the study of public opinion is conducted about influence of activity of a nuclear power plant on an environment and participation of public in making decision about building of new power units. It was set that among the urban and rural population of estimation of ecological situation in the place of residence significantly different. Most respondents consider storage and disposal of radioactive wastes dangerous processes. 38 % of the population opposes the construction of new reactors at existing nuclear power plants and the majority believes mandatory their participation in decision-making on the construction of new power units. According to experts, the main means to inform the public on the impact of Rivne NPP on the environment are: departmental and public television, periodicals, local press, thematic meetings.

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ISSN 2074-2088 (Print)