
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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No 1 (2015)


6-11 111
The analysis of data on calculated by the technique (the instruction on application) of average annual effective doses of inhabitants of settlements of Republic of Belarus developed in 2014 for the Catalogue of doses - 2015 had been conducted. According to the Catalogue of doses - 2015 average annual effective doses (external and internal) of inhabitants of 2396 settlements decreased on average by 30% in comparison with data of the Catalogue of doses - 2009 (an external dose - for 27%, an internal dose - for 31%). Comparison of average annual effective total doses of inhabitants of 2613 settlements according to the Catalogue of doses - 2009 with those of the Catalogue of doses - 2004 showed decrease in an average for 40%. The number of settlements, where average annual effective dose of inhabitants exceeds or is equal 1 mSv/year, decreased with 193 to 82.


12-18 76
The prediction of external and internal doses for biota objects from regular deletions and maximum design accidental release of plants with innovative reactor plant PWR-1200, generation 3+, which was constructed on Ostrovets site, had been conducted. The analysis of different ways of forming doses: external exposure - from γ, β-radiation polluted air, photon radiation contaminated soil surface, β-radiation contaminated surface animals and plants, as well as internal exposure - inhalation and oral routes of radionuclides. The total absorbed dose for animals and plants as during normal fallout for the entire period of operation, and in the case of the maximum design basis accident would not exceed the accidental limit of dose to biota to 1 Gy.
19-29 114
The condition monitoring of nine natural areas located in the territory of Orel region was carried out using different biological benchmarks: modified Ames test, Cricetulus griseus mammalian cells-test and Ceriodaphnia affinis test. By means of Ames test using Salmonella TA-98 cell culture without metabolic activation the highest mutagenic activity was found at Lubyanka village, Dmitrovskii district where mutagenic index was 3,9. The same test with metabolic activation showed mutagenic index 3,0 and 3,1 for Lubyanka village, Dmitrovskii district and Repnino village, Bolkhovskii district, respectively. The analysis of genotoxity using Cricetulus griseus mammalian cells-test resulted to significant mutagenic activity at Elochka children's campus, Bolkhovskii district, which manifested in the enhanced level of chromosomal and chromatid aberrations in test-cells. The analysis of toxic level using Ceriodaphnia affinis test resulted to enhanced toxity at Elochka children's campus, Bolkhovskii district also. The survival of Ceriodaphnia affinis was 45% and only one progeny was observed with minimal number of affinis.
30-38 88
Object of study - selective part of the population of Balkuduk v. of Kurmangazy district of Atyrau region, living in areas adjacent to the Azgir nuclear test site, population of Kurmangazy district and Atyrau regionin whole, population of East Kazakhstan region exposed to ionizing radiation. It was established that on 5 sickness classes of selective part of the population of Balkuduk v. prevalence levels were significantly higher than in the control group, the relative risks ranged from 1,5 (circulatory system diseases), 3,0 (neoplasm). Specified 720,3 cases per 1000 population to the expected additional general environmental sicknesscases. Among the population of Kurmangazy district levels of circulatory system, endocrine system diseases were significantly higher than in the control group (on an average for three years RR=1,3 and 1,6 respectively, p <0,05; 0,05). Registered 554,3 to the expected additional cases per 100 000 per year on diseases of the circulatory system and 184,0 cases on diseases of the endocrine system.
39-47 86
The results of experimental studies of the cholesterol loading effect on the atherogenic lesions intima formation in rabbit aorta are presented in the article. Endothelial cell activation, apoptosis and increased desquamation were discovered at the stage of initiation and early stages (1-7 days) of experimental atherogenesis; compensatory reaction (endothelial cells (EC) conglomerates, tendency to intimal hyperplasia increase was traced during the most intense apoptosis EC) was observed on 7-15 days of atherosclerotic lesions formation; decrease of EC apoptotic index due to the transition of the late stage of apoptosis to necrosis was determined after 30-60 days of experiment.
48-56 135
The article analyses the effects of photodynamic therapy with Photolon on histological structure of the liver and blood biochemical parameters in CCl4-induced hepatitis, as an early stage of development of cirrhosis. The data suggests that the use of photodynamic therapy has a positive effect on the restoration of the morphological structure of liver tissue and its functional activity in toxic hepatitis.It is shown that using the proposed methodology has a regulating action and ensures optimization of processes parenchymal regeneration of the liver on the background of experimentally simulated toxic hepatitis as an early stage of the cirrhosis development.Changes in histological structure and biochemical parameters indicate the normalization of the functional state of hepatocytes. They are observed already after 7 days after treatment and persisted through the month.Thus, the use of photodynamic therapy photosensitizer Photolon for the treatment of toxic hepatitis, as the stage of development of liver cirrhosis, is an effective method.
57-62 89
Principles of determination of biological age (BA) of a man and its deviation from the calendar age (KA) for persons exposed to extreme factors, among which the involvement of organized groups play a crucial role. Among the factors such radioactive exposure, work with radioactive sources, performance of works in emergency and extreme conditions. It is shown that BA fully meets the requirements of the indicator values for the improvement of expert evaluation of the influence of any of extreme factors, existing for a long time.
63-70 83
The paper presents the results of morphological common and local tissue reactions characteristics of experimental animals (rats) on radiation-modified polytetrafluoroethylene (PTFE)-based implants with DLC-nanocoatings and DLC-nanocoatings containing dispersed nanoparticles of silver. In the experiment used 200 white outbred rats, which were divided in 4 groups, each of which had 50 animals. The animals were moved out on 7, 21, 30 and 60 day. Histological study was conducted the tissue surrounding the implant, as well as lung tissue, heart, spleen, liver and kidneys. Uniformity was found to local tissue reactions with the tendency of lesser severity granulation - scars process in the group of animals with an implant with the DLC-coated with nanoparticles of silver. Statistically significant lymphoid tissue hyperplasia of the spleen, indicating the activation of the immune system to implant, not found in any group of animals. Thus, PTFE-based polymer material F-4PM20 coated with DLC-5 nm thick and coated with silver nanoparticles can be used in middle ear reconstructive surgery as it is biologically compatible material is not an inflammatory degenerative responses of biotissues.


71-77 94
The article studies the state of calcium and phosphorus metabolism, functional kidney state and the function of the parathyroid glands in patients with hyperparathyroidism at different stages of chronic kidney disease and after renal allotransplantation. There has been conducted the analysis of laboratory parameters identifying correlation relationship between laboratory tests in patients with secondary hyperparathyroidism at the early stages of chronic renal dysfunction, at dialysis and after kidney transplantation. It was found that the progression of CKD is accompanied by the formation of secondary hyperparathyroidism (SHPT), which remains after kidney transplantation.
78-86 84
The purpose of this study was to identify and assess endocrine disorders in liquidators (emergency workers) of the Chernobyl NPP accident, depending on the radiation and non-radiation factors in the early and late post-accident periods using the methods of system analysis. On the basis of long-term research we found that there is a gradual decrease in thyroxine, triiodothyronine and thyrotropin levels. The resulting regression formulas enable to predict further decrease of these parameters at least for the next 3-5 years. Variance factor analysis allowed revealing that in the first years after the accident radiation factor mainly affected the change of these indicators, but in more than 25 years, the share of the age factor has become more important in the overall impacts. In the group of liquidators and the control group in 1987 and 5 years after the Chernobyl accident revealed that although the average concentration of cortisol in the study groups was in the normal range, at an early post-accident period there was observed a tendency to increase in liquidators and the concentration value was significantly different from the control. The value of adrenocorticotropic hormone in the early post-accident period differed significantly from the norm, and by the late period the difference between the values of adrenocorticotropic hormone and cortisol in liquidators and the control group became insignificant. In the long-term a trend toward normalization takes place, but some understated level of indicators can be explained plainly by transition to the other age group.
87-95 109
The article presents the results of investigating the local biologic effect of new antibacterial sutural material on basis of polypropylene modified by the method of radiation inoculative polymerization of acrylic acid and immobilizing antibiotics levofloxacine on them after its implantation into the organs and tissues of outbred female white rats. Evaluation of inflammation and tissue reaction was performed according to the all Union State Standard (AUSS) R ISO 10993 «Medical product. Evaluation of biologic effect of medical products». It is revealed that using this new antibacterial sutural material reduces the number of infectious complications in post-operative period, tissue reaction to the implantation of modified sutural material is characterized by fewer inflammatory changes, absence of vulnerary infection, fewer fibrous changes in later post-implantation period, which suggests healing of such wounds by primary tension.
95-103 86
Epidemiological data, pathogenesis, classification, clinical implications and modern methods of diabetic polyneuropathy diagnostics are presented. Particular attention is paid to the possibility of using the electroneuromyography as a method of preclinical diagnostics of diabetic polyneuropathy. In order to identify the predictors of distal diabetic polyneuropathy there was performed a prospective parallel open clinical trial. A specific sequence of nerve fibers damage in the preclinical form of distal diabetic polyneuropathy of lower extremities was revealed and the absence of dependence of the dynamics of the damage according to electroneuromyography data on duration and type of diabetes was proved.
104-111 153
Analysed the data X-ray, computed tomography and quantitative computed tomography in 150 patients with cervical osteochondrosis in age from 20 to 77 years, living in the Gomel region of Belarus. The dependence of architectonics of bone structures, bone mineral density in normal and bone mineral density, osteochondrosis, cervical osteochondrosis of the features of biomechanics. The maximum value of bone mineral density observed in a C4 vertebra is 285,8±54,6 mg/cc in men and women is 326,9±62,3 mg/cc. This indicates a change of gravitational and antigravitational forces of the impact to the elements of the vertebral segment, leading to deformation changes vertebrae.
112-117 86
The paper presents the study results of myocardial contractility rates according to the data of speckle tracking echocardiography in 50 patients with ischemic heart disease combined with diabetes mellitus type 2, as well as in 30 healthy individuals. The analysis of indicators of global and segmental left ventricular myocardial deformation has been conducted as well as the values corresponding to the normal kinetic, hypokinetic and akinetic areas of the myocardium during transthoracic echocardiography using speckle tracking echocardiography have been defined. It was observed that patients with combined pathology have reduced indicators of global and segmental myocardial deformation.
118-124 128
In order to treatment and rehabilitate individuals, taking an immediate participation in liquidation of Chernobyl NPP accident aftermaths, there were used various biostimulating preparations, including antioxidant drugs («Tanakan», France; antioxidant biofactor - «AOB», Japan; «Loshtac», Armenia, etc.). It is shown that the studied biostimulating drugs render positive influence on current of diseases and can be used for treatment and rehabilitation of individuals with radiation injuries.
125-131 90
The work is based on the results of surgical treatment of 41 patients with localized cancer on the mucous membrane of the body of tongue and extension to the mouth floor. Depending on the location of the cancer in the mobile part of the tongue, the surgeries were differed in their extent. A fundamentally new method of resection of the anterior third of the body of tongue with one-step reconstruction was developed. In making an assessment of functional results such as the rate of speech and swallowing, the method of V-shaped resection with one-step reconstruction of the anatomic shape of neo tongue, allows to preserve the full functionality of speech and swallowing.
132-137 152
There are presented the results of effect of the combined methods of physiotherapy treatment: hydromagnetic therapy and pneumocompression therapy in the treatment of patients with complicated diabetes mellitus. Treatment use of combined effect on the background of adequate drug therapy, allows to improve the efficiency of complex treatment. Current treatment has a positive effect on the pro-antioxidant balance of blood plasma and thus is pathogenetically targeted at processes of angiopathy.


138-143 94
There is no concept of «radiation epidemiology» In known publications and official documents. Here is the author's vision of content «Radiation Epidemiology» with concepts of «the epidemiology of infectious diseases» and «non-communicable disease epidemiology». We reviewed the feature distribution and the body's reaction on the specifics of physical factors of the environment (radiation). These reactions may be similar to each other and differ significantly between physical factors and the body's reaction to them on different stages of evolution.


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ISSN 2074-2088 (Print)