
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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The study was conducted on the basis of SI "RRC for RM&HE". 140 patients of working age with excess body weight or obesity were examined. Biochemical blood analysis included determination of lipid metabolism indices, cytolysis enzymes of liver cells and indices of inflammation. Immunochemical blood analysis included the definition of levels of thyroid hormones and TSH. Clinical examination included history taking, physical examination of the patient with detecting of the BMI, holding of ultrasound examination of the liver and pancreas, and the detection of the linear dimensions of the adipose tissue of the abdominal wall. The analysis of laboratory and anthropometric data of the examined patients revealed high frequency of previously unidentified metabolic syndrome occurrence within 69,5% of working age population. Hypertriglyceridemia (73,2%), arterial hypertension (46,3%) and visceral adiposity symptoms detected by abdominal ultrasound examination are more frequently identified in the metabolic syndrome criteria structure. Correlation was determined between visceral adiposity and growth of laboratory indices, characterizing atherogenesis and hepatic cytolysis on the background of dyslipidaemia The study has confirmed that not the presence of overweighting and/or obesity has prognostic value rather than early diagnosis of visceral type of fat tissue deposits for manifestation of metabolic syndrome within young people of working age. At a young age the presence of US- symptoms of non-alcoholic liver and pancreatic gland diseases is clearly interrelated with atherogenic shift of lipoid blood specter with a tendency to cytolysis of hepatic cells on the background of formation of visceral type of obesity.

About the Authors

I. G. Savasteeva
ГУ "РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека"
Russian Federation

Y. I. Yarets
ГУ "РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека"
Russian Federation

V. D. Selkina
ГУ "РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека"
Russian Federation

M. G. Rusalenko
ГУ "РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Savasteeva I.G., Yarets Y.I., Selkina V.D., Rusalenko M.G. NONALCOHOLIC FATTY LIVER AND PANCREAS DESEASE AS ADDITIONAL EARLY MARKERS OF THE DEVELOPMENT OF THE METABOLIC SYNDROME. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2016;(2):101-108. (In Russ.)

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