
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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The relationship of the psychological state in adolescents and preferred computer games


Today, computer games are one of the preferred types of leisure activities among adolescents. This study analyzes the relationship between preferred computer games and the psychological state of 596 students in grades 7-9. The study showed that 54% of students do not have a favorite computer game or it is not aggressive. In all the examined groups, the levels of aggression and physical aggression, as well as hostility, irritation and personality, refer to elevated levels, levels of personal anxiety - to high. It has been shown that adolescents who prefer games that are more aggressive have a significantly higher level of hostility and aggressiveness, including physical aggression and verbal aggression. In the middle levels of personal anxiety and depression, no differences were found depending on the choice of the preferred game. There are also differences in the psychological state of adolescents who prefer different computer heroes with the same level of aggressiveness of a computer game. There were no significant differences in the time spent on the Internet, depending on the preferred game and hero.

About the Authors

N. A. Kozelko
УО «Международный государственный экологический институт им. А.Д. Сахарова» БГУ
Russian Federation

E. V. Tolstaya
УО «Международный государственный экологический институт им. А.Д. Сахарова» БГУ
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kozelko N.A., Tolstaya E.V. The relationship of the psychological state in adolescents and preferred computer games. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2020;(1):79-85. (In Russ.)

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ISSN 2074-2088 (Print)