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Features of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs of bacterial isolates obtained from wound swabs from patients with extensive and local wounds


The analysis of the results of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs of bacterial isolates (Staphylococcus aureus, n=248; CoNS, n=105; Enterococcus faecalis, n=234; Pseudomonas aeruginosa, n=180; Acinetobacter baumannii, n=165; Klebsiella pneumoniae, n=165; other isolates of Enterobacterales, n=97) obtained from wound swabs from patients with extensive wounds (EW) (195 patients with burn disease (BD), 435 samples) and local wounds (LW) (134 swab samples from acute local wounds (ALW); 195 swab samples from chronic local wounds (CLW)). It was found that when determining recommendations for antibacterial therapy for infections of the skin and soft tissues, it is necessary to take into account the duration of the wound and the extent of the damage. In patients with BD, a high efficacy of vancomycin, linezolid, tigecycline in MRSA-etiology of wound infection is assumed. In S. aureus infection of local wounds, the possibility of using cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones and aminoglycosides has been substantiated. When planning antibiotic therapy in patients with EW and LW, it is necessary to take into account the contribution of other Gram(+) bacteria - CoNS, E. faecalis and their resistance indicators. The high level of P. aeruginosa resistance does not allow predicting the efficacy of cephalosporins, fluoroquinolones, aminoglycosides, and carbapenems in cases of Pseudomonas aeruginosa infection in patients with EW and BD. Potential efficacy is expected from colistin given the 100% sensitivity of both P. aeruginosa and A. baumannii. For patients with LW, carbapenems will be more effective as well as aminoglycosides. Phenotypic signs of resistance to 3rd-generation cephalosporins, including inhibitor-protected ones, suggests the need to use carabapenems in cases of Klebsiella etiology of wound infection.

About the Authors

Y. I. Yarets
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»
Russian Federation

N. I. Shevchenko
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»
Russian Federation

O. P. Loginova
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Yarets Y.I., Shevchenko N.I., Loginova O.P. Features of sensitivity to antimicrobial drugs of bacterial isolates obtained from wound swabs from patients with extensive and local wounds. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2021;(1):157-167. (In Russ.)

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