
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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To collect and aggregate information of natural topographic-anatomic penis structure features that confirm their participation in the pathogenesis of organic erectile dysfunction contextually the surgical anatomy and modern literature data. The in-house author's intraoperative data of venous and arterial system of penis and penis ligamentous apparatus are presented. The medical significance of erectile dysfunction problems, the topographic anatomy of penis venous and arterial system, the penis innervation features, the connection between vasculogenic and neurogenic erectile dysfunction and the vascular constitution of penis and modern diagnostic methods are considered in the literature review. In addition, the information about the features of tunica albuginea of corpus cavernosum penis and the information about the role of its abnormal changes in the development of erectile deformity are presented. The penis corpora cavernosum get the arterial blood from deep and dorsal arteries of penis. There is a spacious network of arterial-arterial anastomoses between the mentioned arteries and between the deep arteries branches of opposite side of penis. The dorsal artery of penis forms an arterial arch with the branches of deep arteries, urethral artery and bulbar artery in the area of balanus. It is determined that venous outflow from the penis is carried out with three sources including superficial vein, deep penile vein and bulbospongiosus vein. The venous outflow is carrying out into the prostatic venous plexuses system, and in the femoral vein and long saphenous vein system. It is determined that there are many venous anastomoses between the mentioned venous collectors. There is a connection between the abnormal venous penile leaks and pampinocele. The innervation of penis is carried out with the pudendal nerve branches and dorsal nerve of penis. The sympathetic nerve fiber prolongs from prostatic plexus composed of cavernous nerves. The erectile nerves carry out the parasympathetic innervation of penis. The conducted literature analysis of the status of erectile dysfunction problem indicates the significance of this problem. The given information confirms the connection between the topographic-anatomic features of penis constitution and development of organic erectile dysfunction.

About the Authors

E. . Povelitsa
ГУ " РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека"
Russian Federation

V. . Anichkin
УО "Гомельский государственный медицинский университет"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Povelitsa E., Anichkin V. NATURAL PRECONDITIONS FOR DEVELOPMENT OF ORGANIC ERECTILE DYSFUNCTION. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2016;(1):186-194. (In Russ.)

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