
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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The article reviews contemporary approaches to secondary prophylaxis of cervical cancer and emphasizes the role of early diagnostics of cervical cancer implemented in form of screening programs. The role of HPV testing in terms of screening program is also reviewed. According to analyzed data the crucial actions to perform a successful screening program are: determination of correct target group, choice of appropriate screening method and economic feasibility. Thus in majority of countries it is recommended to start screening at the age of 25-30 years while screening in younger age is clinically and economically unpractical. The results of clinical studies also shows that annual screening is ineffective and economically inappropriate, it is recommended to recall patients with negative results in 3-5 years depending on the method that was used. The choice of screening method is widely discussed. The vast majority of metaanalyses and reviews acknowledge high relevance of HPV testing in screening program. At the moment there are different approaches in utilization of HPV test. It may be used either in primary screening (along with cytology or as the only primary screening test), or as triage test for patients with doubtful cytology or colposcopy results. More of it at present moment there is a significant amount of data on effectiveness of HPV testing as a test-of-cure.

About the Authors

S. I. Rogovskaya
ГБОУ ДПО Российская медицинская академия последипломного образования МЗ РФ
Russian Federation

N. Yu. Polonskaya
НИИ скорой помощи им. Н.В. Склифосовского
Russian Federation

A. Zh. Gaydarova
ФГБУ "Российский научный центр Медицинской реабилитации и курортологии" МЗ РФ
Russian Federation

M. I. Manzhosova
ФГБУ "Российский научный центр Медицинской реабилитации и курортологии" МЗ РФ
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Rogovskaya S.I., Polonskaya N.Yu., Gaydarova A.Zh., Manzhosova M.I. SECONDARY PROPHYLAXIS OF CERVICAL CANCER. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2016;(1):70-76. (In Russ.)

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