
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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The role of CD95, CD56 expression, immunohistochemical marker CD138 in tumor progression in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and solitary plasmacytoma in residents of the Gomel region, Belarus


Multiple myeloma (MM) is a disease characterized by slow tumor growth of plasma cells in the bone marrow with the production of monoclonal immunoglobulins in serum and / or urine and osteolytic bone lesions, in its development passes the stage of monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance with 1% risk of progression per year. Patients with solitary plasmacytoma with minimal plasmacytosis in the bone marrow also have an increased risk of progression to MM.In practice, for diagnosis, differential diagnosis, the method of flow cytometry of bone marrow aspirate and immunohistochemical examination of bone marrow are widely used, which can identify unfavorable markers of progression in MGNZ and SP.Expression of markers such as CD95 and CD56, as well as the immunohistochemical marker CD138, may play a prognostic role in the progression of these diseases.In our study, we provided the results of studying the expression of immunophenotypic markers CD95 and CD56, as well as the immunohistochemical marker CD138 on tumor plasma cells, detected during the progression of MGUS and SP.

About the Authors

Z. M. Kozich
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation

V. N. Martinkov
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation

Z. N. Pugacheva
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation

M. Y. Zhandarov
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation

L. A. Smirnova
УО «Белорусская медицинская академия последипломного образования», г. Минск, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kozich Z.M., Martinkov V.N., Pugacheva Z.N., Zhandarov M.Y., Smirnova L.A. The role of CD95, CD56 expression, immunohistochemical marker CD138 in tumor progression in patients with monoclonal gammopathy of undetermined significance and solitary plasmacytoma in residents of the Gomel region, Belarus. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2020;(2):96-101. (In Russ.)

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