Effect of single irradiation on the formation of tumors in the lungs of Af mouse
About the Authors
N. I. TsimokhinaRussian Federation
N. N. Veyalkina
Russian Federation
E. A. Nadyrov
Russian Federation
Y. V. Dvornik
Russian Federation
E. V. Tsukanova
Russian Federation
K. M. Fabusheva
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Tsimokhina N.I., Veyalkina N.N., Nadyrov E.A., Dvornik Y.V., Tsukanova E.V., Fabusheva K.M. Effect of single irradiation on the formation of tumors in the lungs of Af mouse. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2020;(2):59-64. (In Russ.)