
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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The study was done in the framework of the program for medical screening of liquidators that are residing in Obninsk and who were participating in reconstruction works in the zone of Chernobyl accident. The average radiation dose was 100 mGy within the group. Hypersthenia of the sympathetic nervous system as well as cortisol and myoglobin level elevation in the blood were diagnosed within the liquidators in a long-term period. Hyperbare oxygenation and psychotherapy enables to normalize biochemical blood indices, physical and psychological states as well as to increase the life quality index for 25%. The obtained data indicates the development of stress-dependent pathology within the liquidators and provide the scientific foundation for recommendation to include hyperbare oxygenation and psychotherapy in comprehensive rehabilitation protocol of liquidators.

About the Authors

L. . Lyasko
Медицинский радиологический научный центр им. А.Ф. ЦЫБА, филиал НМИРЦ РФ
Russian Federation

E. . Vorontsova
Медицинский радиологический научный центр им. А.Ф. ЦЫБА, филиал НМИРЦ РФ
Russian Federation

Y. . Artamonova
Медицинский радиологический научный центр им. А.Ф. ЦЫБА, филиал НМИРЦ РФ
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Lyasko L., Vorontsova E., Artamonova Y. CORRECTION METHODS OF MENTAL DYSADAPTATION SYMPTOMS WITHIN LIQUIDATORS OF CHERNOBYL ACCIDENT IN A LONG-TERM PERIOD. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2016;(2):35-39. (In Russ.)

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