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Preclinical evaluation of the effectiveness of intramedullary biocomposite bone grafting in the early period after implantation of cementless femoral component of hip arthroplasty in laboratory rats


The early morphological features of osseointegration of the stem of cementless total hip replacement were studied in laboratory rats against the background of intramedullary biocomposite bone grafting. The biocomposite consisted of bone matrix extracted from the bone mar-row canal and previously prepared rat plasma enriched with soluble platelet factors in a ratio of 9:1. In the control group, the implantation of the stem of cementless total hip replacement was performed in the traditional way without the use of bone-plastic biocomposite. Statistically significant morphological parameters indicating optimization of osseointegration when using the bone-plastic biocomposite were established: a smaller area of the bone marrow canal damage zone on the 14th day (p˂0,001), a smaller area of granulation tissue on the 7th (p˂0,001) and 14th days (p˂0,001) and higher areas of forming bone tissue along the periphery of the implant on the 7th (p˂0,001) and 14th days (p˂0,001) of the experiment. The obtained data can serve as an experimental justification for introducing a new method of cementless hip arthroplasty into clinical practice.

About the Authors

D. V. Charnashtan
УО «Гомельский государственные медицинский университет»

Yu. V. Bondareva
УО «Гомельский государственные медицинский университет»

F. N. Karpenko
ГУ «РНПЦ трансфузиологии и медицинских биотехнологий»

M. P. Potapnev
ГУ «РНПЦ трансфузиологии и медицинских биотехнологий»

N. V. Chueshova
ГНУ «Институт радиобиологии НАН Беларуси»

N. N. Vejalkina
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»

N. G. Mal'ceva
УО «Гомельский государственные медицинский университет»

E. A. Nadyrov
УО «Гомельский государственные медицинский университет»

D. A. Zinovkin
УО «Гомельский государственные медицинский университет»

V. I. Nikolaev
УО «Гомельский государственные медицинский университет»


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For citations:

Charnashtan D.V., Bondareva Yu.V., Karpenko F.N., Potapnev M.P., Chueshova N.V., Vejalkina N.N., Mal'ceva N.G., Nadyrov E.A., Zinovkin D.A., Nikolaev V.I. Preclinical evaluation of the effectiveness of intramedullary biocomposite bone grafting in the early period after implantation of cementless femoral component of hip arthroplasty in laboratory rats. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2024;(2):79-86. (In Russ.)

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