Structure of X-ray diagnostic studies and levels of exposure to the population of the Gomel region for the period of 2014-2021
The analysis of the structure of X-ray diagnostic examinations and the levels of effective exposure doses to the population of the Gomel region for the period of 2014-2021 has been conducted based on data of the State Dosimetry Registry.
The dynamics of indicators from 2014 to 2021 are shown.
During the studied period there was a dominance of radiographic (51-54)% and fluorographic (40-35)% methods for examinations in the structure of X-ray diagnostic studies carried out in medical institutions of the Gomel region.
There is a trend towards an increase in the collective effective dose of medical exposure to the population of the Gomel region by 38%. The significant changes in the structure of the collective dose were observed: in 2014 radiographic examinations accounted for 50%, and by 2021 their contribution decreased up to 25%, while the contribution of computed tomography over the corresponding period increased from 15% up to 53%.
The number of X-ray procedures in medical institutions of the Gomel region in average 1,8 per capita annually during the entire observation period. The average effective dose from medical exposure per capita of the Gomel region increased by 44%.
УДК: 614.876:621.039.58:616-073.7(476.2)
About the Authors
L. N. EventovaBelarus
A. N. Mataras
N. G. Vlasova
V. V. Drobyshevskaya
A. E. Filyustin
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Eventova L.N., Mataras A.N., Vlasova N.G., Drobyshevskaya V.V., Filyustin A.E. Structure of X-ray diagnostic studies and levels of exposure to the population of the Gomel region for the period of 2014-2021. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2024;(1):75-80. (In Russ.)