Structural-functional state of serum albumin of uterine body cancer patients undergoing remote gamma therapy
Every year the study of the qualitative component of the albumin molecule becomes more and more relevant. Therefore, the aim of our work was to study the structural and functional state of serum albumin in patients with uterine body cancer under the action of radiation therapy.
In order to study radiation-induced changes in serum albumin when irradiated with therapeutic doses of ionizing radiation, biological material (blood) of 33 people from the Gomel region was used: 1st gr. (control) – 13 healthy people; 2nd gr. – 20 patients diagnosed with uterine body cancer who underwent remote gamma therapy (30 Gy). The collection of biological material in the 2nd group was carried out as follows: upon admission to inpatient treatment; after the 1st session of radiotherapy (2 Gy); after the 3rd session of radiotherapy (6 Gy); after the 5th session of radiotherapy (10 Gy); after the 7th session of radiotherapy (14 Gy); after the 10th session of radiotherapy (20 Gy) and after the 15th session of radiotherapy (30 Gy).
According to the method of Yu.A. Gryzunov, G.E. Dobretsov the following indicators were determined: total albumin concentration (TAC)− the number of albumin molecules capable of binding toxic ligands is equal to the albumin concentration determined by in any other way; effective albumin concentration (EAC) − the number of albumin binding centers unoccupied by toxic ligands; reserve of albumin binding (RAB) − reflects the degree of structural modification of the protein; index of toxicity (IT) − characterizes the filling of albumin centers with toxic ligands.
- The total albumin concentration is within normal values, both for healthy and cancer patients throughout the course of radiation therapy. Analysis of indicators characterizing the structural and functional state of serum albumin (EAC, RAB and IT) in patients with uterine body cancer showed that the amount of fully functioning protein statistically significantly decreases when compared with a group of healthy people.
- When studying the effect of radiation therapy on the structural and functional state of serum albumin in cancer patients, it was shown that:
- in 45% the values of the IT indicator increase after a course of radiotherapy, and in 55% − decrease;
- after the 1st session of radiotherapy, the further dynamics of IT after treatment is determined: if after 2 Gy the values of IT indicator increased, then by the end of therapy this indicator will be higher than when entering treatment, and, conversely, if after 2 Gy the values of IT indicator decreased, then after the course of radiotherapy this indicator will be less than entering treatment.
- Determination of albumin indicators characterizing the structural and functional state of serum albumin, in particular, the index of toxicity in patients with uterine body cancer should be used as an individual diagnostic and prognostic criterion in the dynamics of observation of patients undergoing remote gamma therapy.
УДК: 618.14-006.6:615.849.114
About the Authors
N. D. PuzanBelarus
V. N. Belyakovskiy
I. A. Cheshik
I. V. Mihailov
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Puzan N.D., Belyakovskiy V.N., Cheshik I.A., Mihailov I.V. Structural-functional state of serum albumin of uterine body cancer patients undergoing remote gamma therapy. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2024;(1):124-131. (In Russ.)