Embryotoxic effect of experimental dark deprivation
The article presents the results of fundamental research into the effect of dark deprivation on female rats during pregnancy. Dark deprivation leads to a decrease in the number of living embryos by 3,4 times, 3,1 times and 3,3 times on the 7th, 14th and 21st days. A decrease in the average weight of embryos was revealed by 1.9 times on the 7th day, by 1.5 times on the 14th day and by 1.8 times on the 21st day.
A significant decrease in the average craniocaudal size of embryos in the experimental group was recorded. This indicator decreased by 2,7 times on the 7th day, by 1,8 times on the 14th day and by 1,8 times on the 21st day. Preimplantation death due to chronodestruction showed an increase of 4,3 times relative to the control at the final stage of the study (day 21). There was an increase in post-implantation death under the influence of constant light on the 7th day to 70,51%, on the 14th day – to 68,26%, on the 21st day – to 69,71%.
The findings may have important translational implications and will be used to find effective methods to prevent complications in pregnant women with disrupted circadian rhythms.
About the Authors
I. S. SobolevskayaBelarus
E. S. Pashinskaya
A. K. Pashinskaya
I. V. Ignateva
V. V. Pobyarzhin
S. M. Sedlovskaya
S. L. Sobolevsky
A. V. Yashkina
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Supplementary files
For citations:
Sobolevskaya I.S., Pashinskaya E.S., Pashinskaya A.K., Ignateva I.V., Pobyarzhin V.V., Sedlovskaya S.M., Sobolevsky S.L., Yashkina A.V. Embryotoxic effect of experimental dark deprivation. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2024;(1):70-74. (In Russ.) https://doi.org/10.58708/2074-2088.2024-1(31)-70-74