The effect of photodynamic therapy on histological structure of the liver and blood biochemical parameters in CCl4-induced hepatitis, as the stage of the development of the cirrhosis
About the Authors
E. V. MahiliavetsRussian Federation
P. V. Garelik
Russian Federation
S. S. Anufrik
Russian Federation
N. I. Prokopchik
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Mahiliavets E.V., Garelik P.V., Anufrik S.S., Prokopchik N.I. The effect of photodynamic therapy on histological structure of the liver and blood biochemical parameters in CCl4-induced hepatitis, as the stage of the development of the cirrhosis. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2015;(1):48-56. (In Russ.)