
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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Comparative analysis of morbidity rate of Kazakhstan's population living on the territory adjacent to the nuclear test site


Object of study - selective part of the population of Balkuduk v. of Kurmangazy district of Atyrau region, living in areas adjacent to the Azgir nuclear test site, population of Kurmangazy district and Atyrau regionin whole, population of East Kazakhstan region exposed to ionizing radiation. It was established that on 5 sickness classes of selective part of the population of Balkuduk v. prevalence levels were significantly higher than in the control group, the relative risks ranged from 1,5 (circulatory system diseases), 3,0 (neoplasm). Specified 720,3 cases per 1000 population to the expected additional general environmental sicknesscases. Among the population of Kurmangazy district levels of circulatory system, endocrine system diseases were significantly higher than in the control group (on an average for three years RR=1,3 and 1,6 respectively, p <0,05; 0,05). Registered 554,3 to the expected additional cases per 100 000 per year on diseases of the circulatory system and 184,0 cases on diseases of the endocrine system.

About the Authors

T. I. Belikhina
НИИ радиационной медицины и экологии, МЗ РК, г. Семей, Казахстан
Russian Federation

T. Zh. Muldagaliev
НИИ радиационной медицины и экологии, МЗ РК, г. Семей, Казахстан
Russian Federation

R. T. Buleuhanova
НИИ радиационной медицины и экологии, МЗ РК, г. Семей, Казахстан
Russian Federation

V. K. Nurgalieva
НИИ радиационной медицины и экологии, МЗ РК, г. Семей, Казахстан
Russian Federation

Zh. K. Zhagiparova
Государственный медицинский университет, МЗ РК, г. Семей, Казахстан
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Belikhina T.I., Muldagaliev T.Zh., Buleuhanova R.T., Nurgalieva V.K., Zhagiparova Zh.K. Comparative analysis of morbidity rate of Kazakhstan's population living on the territory adjacent to the nuclear test site. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2015;(1):30-38. (In Russ.)

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