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Elemental composition of tissues in normal and obese Wistar rats


The article presents a study of the elemental composition of tissues in normal and obese Wistar rats under the influence of premixes from algae Spirulina plat. and Chlorella. Analysis of the mineral composition of the tissues of animals that consumed algae premix with feed did not reveal significant changes in the content of trace elements, with the exception of a signifcant increase in Fe and Cr in the liver (p=0,03). A similar trend of changes in the concentrations of trace elements was observed in animals with modeling obesity by consuming HFD: Cr in the liver, p=0,03.

The content of ions in them was distributed according to the degree of decrease: K>Na>Mg> Ca>Fe>Zn>Cu>Mn>Cr. An analysis of the concentration of the element, in comparison with all the studied organs, confirmed this distribution and probably reflects the pool (reserve) of minerals in the body. However, the range of change in the content of each element in tissues is not the same. Thus, the highest content of Fe, Mn and Zn was found in the liver, Na in the kidney, Ca in the pancreas, while Ca and Na were accumulated least of all in the liver, Mn and Mg in the kidneys, and K in the pancreas. Changes and imbalances in the state of the identified bioelements may be a sign of obesity.

About the Authors

A. A. H. Ali
УО «Гродненский государственный университета им. Я. Купалы»

O. E. Kuznetsov
ГП «Институт биохимии биологически активных соединений НАН Беларуси»


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For citations:

Ali A., Kuznetsov O.E. Elemental composition of tissues in normal and obese Wistar rats. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2023;(1):27-34. (In Russ.)

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