Molecular mechanisms of effects of ionizing radiation action. Irradiation effect on protein (literary review)
Target effects (direct and indirect effects of ionizing radiation). When exposed to ionizing radiation, it damages vital intracellular biomolecules which leads to multiple damage to cells and tissues as well as pathophysiological diseases such as inflammation, immunosuppression, etc. Such damage can be caused by direct ionization of biomolecules, but in almost 70% of cases due to indirect radiolysis of intracellular water with the formation of reactive oxygen species and free radicals, which ultimately causes oxidative stress.
Non-target effects (abscopal effect, adaptive response, bystander effect, genomic instability). Over the past 25 years, many studies have explored the molecular mechanisms underlying in nontargeted effects (also known as effects not aimed at DNA). It is shown that these effects are the result of a huge dynamic and complex process induced in irradiated cells, transmitted to neighboring cells and, to some extent, to the whole body through activation of the immune system.
The irradiation effect on protein. Under the direct action of ionizing radiation on a protein, an electron is knocked out of it, resulting in a defective site devoid of an electron, which migrates along the polypeptide chain due to the transfer of electrons until it reaches a site with increased electron-donor properties. At this point, free radicals arise in the side chains of amino acids. Under the indirect effect of ionizing radiation, the formation of free radicals occurs when protein molecules interact with the products of water radiolysis.
About the Authors
N. D. PuzanBelarus
I. A. Cheshik
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For citations:
Puzan N.D., Cheshik I.A. Molecular mechanisms of effects of ionizing radiation action. Irradiation effect on protein (literary review). Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2023;(1):14-26. (In Russ.)