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The phenomenon of intestinal microbiota translocation of deceased organ donors (review of literature)


Due with the increase of the number of patients on the waiting list for organ transplantation, the reduction of the number of suitable donors, increasing the need to expand the criteria for collection organs from donors. Simplification of criterions allows increasing the number of transplants and reducing mortality in the waiting list, but receive a negative impact on the survival of patients and time of functional activity of transplants. The identification of donors with reported brain death has not been sufficiently studied and continues to be the subject of numerous studies. There is an increase in the age of an effective donor and an increase of donor’s hospitalization in the intensive care unit. In this situation, the processes in the donor‘s gut are not sufficiently studied, especially in light of the increase of their time in intensive care units. With dysfunction of a transplant the additional efforts directed to prevention and fight against infectious complications are often necessary. It leads to growth of terms of hospitalization and serious rise in price of treatment in this category of patients. In this case, transfer of infections from the donor of organs to the recipient represents serious potential risk of receiving infectious complications and death, which needs to be compared with risk of death of the patient without transplantation. Nevertheless, the increasing gap between the number of donors and the number of the persons expecting organ transplantation forces to consider each potential donor, irrespective of the status of an infection as it is a compulsory measure for minimization of mortality in the waiting list. The last data on a translocation of intestinal microflora at the died organ donors are presented in this review of literature. Modern literary data the describing this phenomenon, and its influence on post-transplant complications at recipients of parenchymal organs are described and analyzed.

About the Authors

O. V. Petkevich
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»
Russian Federation

Z. A. Dundarov
УО «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Petkevich O.V., Dundarov Z.A. The phenomenon of intestinal microbiota translocation of deceased organ donors (review of literature). Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2020;(1):41-47. (In Russ.)

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