
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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Role of genetic polymorphism and intergene interference in increased probability of the pathological game dependence development


The article presents the results of molecular genetic analysis of 13 polymorphic variants of genes ESR1, AS3MT, PECR, NT5C2, BUB1B-PAK6, EPHX2, HIP1, MUC7, CACNA1C, CHRNA4, DGKI and PIK3C2A of patients suffering from pathological gambling addiction. The analysis of the frequency of prevalence of genotypes and alleles, as well as the analysis of intergenic interactions to determine their combined impact on the risk of developing pathological gambling addiction. The loci rs17504622, rs73229090 (EPHX2), and rs237238 (HIP1) were found

About the Authors

E. V. Snytkov
УО «МГЭИ им. А.Д. Сахарова» БГУ
Russian Federation

V. N. Kipen
ГНУ «Институт генетики и цитологии НАН Беларуси»
Russian Federation

S. B. Melnov
УО «МГЭИ им. А.Д. Сахарова» БГУ
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Snytkov E.V., Kipen V.N., Melnov S.B. Role of genetic polymorphism and intergene interference in increased probability of the pathological game dependence development. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2021;(1):72-80. (In Russ.)

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