Assessment of health effects and reliability of radiation thyroid doses for belarusian persons exposed in utero and during early life to Chernobyl fallout
About the Authors
V. V. YauseyenkaRussian Federation
V. . Drozdovitch
Russian Federation
A. V. Rozhko
Russian Federation
I. V. Veyalkin
Russian Federation
V. F. Minenko
Russian Federation
T. S. Kukhta
Russian Federation
S. . Trofimik
Russian Federation
R. . Grakovitch
Russian Federation
O. N. Polyanskaya
Russian Federation
L. . Starastsenka
Russian Federation
E. K. Cahoon
Russian Federation
M. . Hatch
Russian Federation
M. P. Little
Russian Federation
A. V. Brenner
Russian Federation
E. . Ostroumova
Russian Federation
K. . Mabuchi
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Yauseyenka V.V., Drozdovitch V., Rozhko A.V., Veyalkin I.V., Minenko V.F., Kukhta T.S., Trofimik S., Grakovitch R., Polyanskaya O.N., Starastsenka L., Cahoon E.K., Hatch M., Little M.P., Brenner A.V., Ostroumova E., Mabuchi K. Assessment of health effects and reliability of radiation thyroid doses for belarusian persons exposed in utero and during early life to Chernobyl fallout. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2021;(1):36-46. (In Russ.)