Cardioprotective effects of empagliflosin and vildagliptin: clinical and instrumental assessment of structural and functional parameters of the heart and cardiac markers in patients with diabetes type 2
About the Authors
V. N. VasilkovaRussian Federation
I. Yu. Pchelin
Russian Federation
V. K. Bayrasheva
Russian Federation
Ya. A. Borovets
Russian Federation
Yu. I. Yarets
Russian Federation
Ya. L. Navmenova
Russian Federation
E. P. Naumenka
Russian Federation
T. V. Mokhort
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Vasilkova V.N., Pchelin I.Yu., Bayrasheva V.K., Borovets Ya.A., Yarets Yu.I., Navmenova Ya.L., Naumenka E.P., Mokhort T.V. Cardioprotective effects of empagliflosin and vildagliptin: clinical and instrumental assessment of structural and functional parameters of the heart and cardiac markers in patients with diabetes type 2. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2021;(2):91-98. (In Russ.)