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CD14+mid/high and CD14+low monocyte subpopulations, expressing cd86 receptor in patients after kidney transplantation


76 patients with end-stage chronic kidney disease who underwent kidney allotransplantation were examined. The observation period was 12 months. A significant imbalance was revealed in the first 3 months of the postoperative period of the two studied subpopulations of CD14+mid/high and CD14+lowmonocytes, expressing the CD86 receptor in patients after kidney allotransplantation with satisfactory transplant function. It was noted that all significant differences with the comparison group were leveled by 6 months after allotransplantation. Moreover, direct correlations of CD14+mid/high, CD14+mid/highCD86+ subpopulations and inverse correlations of CD14+low, CD14+lowCD86+ subpopulations in the early post-transplantation period with the creatinine and cystatin C level were found in long terms after the surgery. The results of the study can be used as early prognostic markers of late renal transplant function.

About the Author

S. V. Zybleva
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Zybleva S.V. CD14+mid/high and CD14+low monocyte subpopulations, expressing cd86 receptor in patients after kidney transplantation. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2019;(2):74-81. (In Russ.)

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