
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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The individual doses of internal exposure as a function of occupational status of population living in radioactively contaminated territories


The peculiarities of dose distribution by sex, age and professional employment of the population are revealed. Based on the identified groups that unite a number of occupations in men and women, reliably differing in the mean value of internal dose, an algorithm for calculating doses has been developed. The basis of the algorithm is the assumption that a group of persons homogeneous in terms of socio-demographic characteristics on the distribution curve of the dose will occupy a definite, time-constant place. As a result of the studies, a methodical approach has been developed that allows to calculate an individual dose to the population living in a radioactively contaminated area.

About the Author

E. A. Drozd
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Drozd E.A. The individual doses of internal exposure as a function of occupational status of population living in radioactively contaminated territories. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2017;(1):64-69. (In Russ.)

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