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Modern approaches to estimation of radiation doses to patients during diagnostic radiographic examinations


The review covers the methods of estimation of doses in organs and tissues and effective radiation dose to patients during diagnostic X-ray radiography. This estimation can be reliably made based on conversion coefficients, which were calculated using Monte-Carlo method in advance. One needs to specify the radiation yield or dose-area product, which were measured from the particular X-ray machine. Conversion coefficients are calculated for anthropomorphic phantoms. The calculation requires detailed description of the anatomy. The calculation can be performed on the doctor’s computer for specific exposure conditions if there is an opportunity. Computer programs for estimation of radiation dose to patients during X-ray radiography are reviewed.

About the Authors

K. A. Viarenich
НИУ «Институт ядерных проблем» БГУ
Russian Federation

V. F. Minenko
НИУ «Институт ядерных проблем» БГУ
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Viarenich K.A., Minenko V.F. Modern approaches to estimation of radiation doses to patients during diagnostic radiographic examinations. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2022;(2):122-130. (In Russ.)

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