Diagnosis of immune mechanism disorders in preterm infants using markers of T- and B-cell neogenesis (TREC and KREC) and subpopulations of T- and B-lymphocytes
About the Authors
E. A. PolyakovaRussian Federation
S. A. Beresten
Russian Federation
M. V. Stegantseva
Russian Federation
A. S. Starovoitova
Russian Federation
A. N. Kupchinskaya
Russian Federation
I. E. Guryanova
Russian Federation
S. M. Mezyan
Russian Federation
M. V. Belevtsev
Russian Federation
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For citations:
Polyakova E.A., Beresten S.A., Stegantseva M.V., Starovoitova A.S., Kupchinskaya A.N., Guryanova I.E., Mezyan S.M., Belevtsev M.V. Diagnosis of immune mechanism disorders in preterm infants using markers of T- and B-cell neogenesis (TREC and KREC) and subpopulations of T- and B-lymphocytes. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2022;(2):93-98. (In Russ.)