
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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Dose assessment to public in case of normal operation of the Belarusian NPP was performed. Dose to public from the age group dependence was analyzed as well as the contribution of different radionuclides and pathways to total dose. Justification of the size of the sanitary-protection zone around the Belarusian NPP was made. It was found that the total dose to public from all the factors of radiation impact of gaseous and aerosol releases from both NPP units will not exceed 0,2 µSv/year in any direction out of the Belarusian NPP site territory. Such levels of radiation impact allow establishing sanitary protection zone at the same territory as site boundaries. Contribution of different radionuclides to total dose differs depending on the distance from the reference point of the radius vector of the sanitary-protection zone.

About the Authors

V. V. Kliaus
РУП "Научно-практический центр гигиены"
Russian Federation

A. U. Nikalayenka
РУП "Научно-практический центр гигиены"
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Kliaus V.V., Nikalayenka A.U. RADIATION-HYGIENIC BASEMENT OF THE SIZE OF SANITARY-PROTECTION ZONE AROUND BELARUSIAN NPP. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2016;(1):124-130. (In Russ.)

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