
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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Contents of 90Sr in food and food raw materials produced on the territory of Chernobyl radioactive contamination are significantly higher than those predicted 20 years ago at the time of development of the national radiation protection strategy. It has been established that a committed internal dose from 90Sr intake during 70 years, calculated taking into account the actual dynamics of 90Sr transfer from soil to plants, may be 2 times higher than the estimated dose values calculated with the method which assumed sharp exponential decrease in the levels of food contamination in the post-accident period. There is a strong necessity in improving the existing procedures used for assessing committed doses from 90Sr intake by population. This should be done in order to accurately estimate radiation doses from 90Sr ingestion based on which the strategy of radiation protection of the population in case of nuclear accidents at NPPs and spent fuel storage facilities is developed.

About the Authors

V. S. Averin
УО "Гомельский государственный университет им. Ф. Скорины"
Russian Federation

K. N. Buzdalkin
РНИУП "Институт радиологии" МЧС Республики Беларусь
Russian Federation

E. V. Kopyltsova
РНИУП "Институт радиологии" МЧС Республики Беларусь
Russian Federation

E. K. Nilova
РНИУП "Институт радиологии" МЧС Республики Беларусь
Russian Federation

E. N. Tsurankov
РНИУП "Институт радиологии" МЧС Республики Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Averin V.S., Buzdalkin K.N., Kopyltsova E.V., Nilova E.K., Tsurankov E.N. 90SR INGESTION AND COMMITTED DOSES IN POPULATION OF GOMEL REGION. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2016;(1):77-81. (In Russ.)

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