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Bacterial biofilm matrix: cytotoxicity, effects on proliferative activity and the degree of expression of fibroblast surface markers


The effect of the biofilm matrix of gram-positive (G+) and gram-negative (G-) bacteria on the state of fibroblast culture of healthy skin during co-cultivation in vitro was analyzed. Comparative analysis showed that the proliferative activity of fibroblasts was inhibited to the greatest extent by the matrix of the biofilm of G bacteria, mainly P. aeruginosa. The components of the P. aeruginosa matrix had the most pronounced effect on cell adhesion, their ability to spread and form a monolayer, and were also characterized by the highest cytotoxicity according to the results of the LDH test. The indicators of the proliferative activity of fibroblasts obtained by cultivation with the matrix of K. pneumoniae and S. aureus were almost identical, for E. faecalis the least influence on proliferative activity was revealed. Exposure to biofilm components G+ and G- led to a decrease in the expression of immunophenotypic markers of fibroblasts - CD10, CD 44, CD73, CD90, the degree of their loss was different depending on the type of bacteria. Biofilm of G- bacteria, to a greater extent than G+ bacteria, contributed to the development of apoptosis (according to CD95) and death (according to 7-AAD) of fibroblasts.

About the Author

Y. . Yarets
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Yarets Y. Bacterial biofilm matrix: cytotoxicity, effects on proliferative activity and the degree of expression of fibroblast surface markers. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2020;(2):116-124. (In Russ.)

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