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Risk factors for oral cavity cancer


The article is devoted to the systematization of risk factors affecting the occurrence of oral cavity cancer. The data are based on an analysis of 79 patients admitted for treatment from 2017 to 2019.When studying the material, there were identified unfavorable, background, organizational risk factors affecting the occurrence of oral cavity cancer. As a result of the analysis, it became possible to systematize the dependence of the occurrence of cancer on the mucous membrane of the tongue and the floor of the mouth on the identified risk factors and distribute them into three groups. Thus, the dominant risk factors for the development of oral cavity cancer are the age of patients over 50 years old and the presence of a combination of risk factors (smoking, alcohol, chronic trauma).

About the Author

V. V. Tatchihin
ГУ «Гомельский областной клинический онкологический диспансер», г. Гомель, Беларусь
Russian Federation


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For citations:

Tatchihin V.V. Risk factors for oral cavity cancer. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2020;(2):52-58. (In Russ.)

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