
Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity

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Reconstruction of individualized radiation doses under conditions of uncertainty and incomplete of whole-body γ-spectrum analyzer measurement data


The analysis of 602 175 results of the assessment of individual effective doses of internal radiation of residents of the Gomel region, calculated based on the results of whole-body γ-spectrum analyzer (WBSA) measurements of the content of 137Cs in the body in 2015-2023, was carried out. To estimate the annual individualized dose of internal radiation, distributions of individual doses of internal radiation in those settlements of the Gomel region where there is a sufficient volume of WBSA measurement results are constructed. On their basis, the annual individualized doses of internal radiation are calculated. A database of annual individualized doses of internal radiation in 1 085 settlements for the period from 2015 to 2023 has been formed. It was found that even in the most studied areas, the proportion of residents surveyed for WBSA did not exceed 50%. By comparative analysis of individualized and individual doses, it was shown that the error in estimating the individualized dose of internal radiation varies up to 76%, which is explained by many factors affecting the dose formation process and the small values of these doses in the region. The error in estimating the individualized dose of internal radiation under conditions of uncertainty and incomplete WBSA measurement data averaged 44%.

About the Authors

N. G. Vlasova
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»; УО «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»

K. N. Buzdalkin
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»

L. N. Eventova
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»

A. N. Mataras
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»

G. N. Yevtushkova
ГУ «РНПЦ радиационной медицины и экологии человека»

D. B. Kulikovich
УО «Гомельский государственный медицинский университет»


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Supplementary files


For citations:

Vlasova N.G., Buzdalkin K.N., Eventova L.N., Mataras A.N., Yevtushkova G.N., Kulikovich D.B. Reconstruction of individualized radiation doses under conditions of uncertainty and incomplete of whole-body γ-spectrum analyzer measurement data. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2024;(2):44-49. (In Russ.)

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