Assessment of awareness of the female population of Gomel region about prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer
Breast cancer is the most common malignancy in the female population. Early detection of breast cancer is crucial for reducing mortality from the disease. Late detection of breast cancer may have an unfavorable prognosis. Study Objective – To evaluate the awareness of the female population of the Gomel region concerning prevention and early diagnostics of breast cancer. The participants were 317 women, all of them were of full age, gave their consent to participate in the present study, and filled in a specially designed questionnaire.
Absolute majority of respondents know that effectiveness of treatment of breast cancer depends on the stage of its detection, almost all respondents know who the doctor-mammologistis. According to respondents the main reasons of breast cancer development are genetic predisposition, bad ecology, breast trauma and smoking. Only 24,29% of respondents pointed out the correct frequency of mammography examinations at the age of over 50 years – once in 2 years. The fact that 77,6% of the respondents, in one form or another, received information about cancer prevention in the outpatient clinic seems extremely favorable. More than a half of the respondents are not aware of the breast cancer screening program in the Republic of Belarus. The absolute majority of the respondents would prefer to get information about prevention of malignant neoplasms from their doctor, mass media and the Internet.
According to the data of the study, the majority of respondents have basic information about breast cancer and risk factors for its development. All participants also received information about mammography and its benefits in early detection of cancer. However, the level of public awareness is insufficient on a number of questions concerning the timing and frequency of examinations, screening, and early detection of cancer.
About the Authors
D. Los’Belarus
V. Volchek
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For citations:
Los’ D., Volchek V. Assessment of awareness of the female population of Gomel region about prevention and early diagnosis of breast cancer. Medical and Biological Problems of Life Activity. 2023;(2):106-110. (In Russ.)